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Butterfly Conservation International Symposium

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:13 pm
by Pete Eeles
Some serious enthusiasts might be interested in this ... ... ntion.html

I'll be there :)


- Pete

Re: Butterfly Conservation International Symposium

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:22 pm
by Pete Eeles
Just received a reminder from Martin Warren - a discount is available until 8th January (I'm getting this as my Xmas present - and it would be good to see other UKB members there!).


- Pete

The 2010 target and beyond for Lepidoptera.
Reading University
26-28th March 2010

Full programme now available on the Symposium website

Please forward to interested colleagues.

Sessions will include

· 2010 assessments for Lepidoptera from around the world
· The science of conservation management
· Practical habitat management
· Landscape scale conservation
· Climate change impacts and adaptation
· Future challenges

The Symposium will be opened by our President, Sir David Attenborough.

Keynote speakers include: Dr Helen Phillips (Natural England), Prof. Jeremy Thomas (Oxford Univ), Sebastian Winkler (IUCN, Brussels), Chris van Swaay (Dutch BC), Scott Black (Xerces Soc, USA), and Prof. Chris Thomas (York Univ).

Woodlands for wildlife conference

There will be a linked one-day conference before the Symposium on 25th March focussing on the management of woodlands for butterflies, moths and other wildlife. This can also be booked on the Symposium pages of the website, either together or separately.

Please forward this announcement to any interested colleagues.

I look forward to meeting you in Reading

With all good wishes for a successful and productive New Year


Re: Butterfly Conservation International Symposium

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:27 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi Pete,
Great line-up of talks. Attendance of the entire symposium is far from cheap, but I'll be there from the Friday night (party! :D ) until Sunday. Hope to see you and a few other UKBers there.