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Brown Hairstreak Sites (in southwest and southern England)

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:24 pm
by paulmarshall

I'm hoping to spend a day (this weekend or early next week) looking for Brown Hairstreak. I'm based in Bristol but happy to drive a couple of hours and wondered where people would suggest as the most reliable site. I'm sure this has been covererd many times before but any up to date info much appreciated.

From what I've read I would think Alner's Gorse, Shipton Bellinger (report of 45 there recently) or Noar Hill would be best. However, there seems to be suggestions that the latter might not be as good as it used to for this species. Having never visited any of the sites, specific directions would be much appreciated (especially for Alner's Gorse and Shipton Bellinger as just found great details for Noar Hill on another post).

Anywhere else to try?

Many thanks in advance for your help


Paul Marshall

Re: Brown Hairstreak Sites (in southwest and southern England)

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:42 pm
by Piers
Hi Paul,

If you're Bristol based why not try Walton Hill on the Polden Hills? I used to visit this site regularly as a younger chap and it always came up trumps. ... 001144.pdf

Good luck...!


Re: Brown Hairstreak Sites (in southwest and southern England)

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:06 pm
by Denise
Hi Paul,

I went to Shipton Bellinger, Hampshire (grid reference posted on Hampshire BC sightings page by Matthew Oates, SU 21994 45729,) and saw my first hairstreak within minutes. Quite a few flying between the tree right on the corner and the next Ash, down the track a bit. Hope this helps.
It took about an hour and a half from Bristol.

(avon grapevine :D )

Re: Brown Hairstreak Sites (in southwest and southern England)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:41 am
by eccles
There are several known sites along the East Polden reserves including Gilling Down, Collard Hill, and as already mentioned, Walton Hill.
I went with Xmilehigh to Gilling Down and Walton Hill about a week and a half ago and saw nothing. It's possible that we got there at the wrong time but I've been there in previous years without success. Not only is the date important but also local knowledge of where these colonies exist.
We have also been to Ravensroost Meadow near Minety in Wiltshire this year, in this case almost certainly too early as I've seen them there on two occasions in previous years.

Based on our recent visit, Shipton Bellinger at the location mentioned by Denise is probably the best with two or three master trees found containing resident males. The trick is to catch the females when they come down form the treetops to lay eggs, for which, again, we were too early. We hope to get up there again shortly to try again.

I took this very tatty female at Ravensroost on 7th September, three years ago.

Re: Brown Hairstreak Sites (in southwest and southern England)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:10 pm
by Zonda
So, where roughly is Shipton Bellinger? :)

Re: Brown Hairstreak Sites (in southwest and southern England)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:13 pm
by Denise
Hi Zonda,

Here's a link to a map. ... 21452&st=5


Re: Brown Hairstreak Sites (in southwest and southern England)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:17 pm
by paulmarshall
Many thanks to all that have replied. Weather not looking so good for tomorrow but will defintely try Shipton Bellinger one day this week (Wednesday looking like a sorcher!).

Best wishes


Re: Brown Hairstreak Sites (in southwest and southern England)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:36 pm
by Zonda
Here's a link to a map. ... 21452&st=5

Is the site near a road? My dickie ticker dont take to walking distances now.

Re: Brown Hairstreak Sites (in southwest and southern England)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:44 pm
by Zonda
Gotta be somewhere closer than that. I'm in south Dorset. Are there any sites around here? :D

Re: Brown Hairstreak Sites (in southwest and southern England)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:50 pm
by Denise
Have a look at this page for any possible sites near you Zonda. ... Hairstreak

Shipton Bellinger is quite a walk from the village, but we found a back road to the site with only limited walking. No idea how to give you directions though.


Re: Brown Hairstreak Sites (in southwest and southern England)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 2:01 pm
by Zonda
Cheers Denise, i'll have a look. :D

Re: Brown Hairstreak Sites (in southwest and southern England)

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:48 am
by eccles
Alner's Gorse is supposedly highly rated for BH. It's part of a complex of reserves which also includes Lydlinch Common, but I went there last year and found none. Last year's weather was pretty horrible though. Check out the main UKB sites pages: ... pecies=All

Re: Brown Hairstreak Sites (in southwest and southern England)

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:00 pm
by Zonda
Right....I'm off to Lydlinch Common on tuesday. They say that will be the best day of the week weather wise. Alners gorse here i come. Any bets i draw a zilch?

Re: Brown Hairstreak Sites (in southwest and southern England)

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:54 pm
by Piers
eccles wrote: I went with Xmilehigh to Gilling Down and Walton Hill about a week and a half ago and saw nothing. It's possible that we got there at the wrong time but I've been there in previous years without success. Not only is the date important but also local knowledge of where these colonies exist.
Hi Eccles, if you try Walton again just walk down the roadside from the windmill onwards rather than on the hill itself. Good numbers usually, just on the roadside.


Re: Brown Hairstreak Sites (in southwest and southern England)

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:40 pm
by eccles
Many thanks Felix. This could be worth a weekend visit. Is the windmill west of the car park that's near the top of the hill?

Re: Brown Hairstreak Sites (in southwest and southern England)

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:53 pm
by Piers
Hi Eccles,

Yes - the Windmill is at the top of Walton Hill. It's a house now but even without the sails there's no mistaking it's original use. No other excuse for a house that shape.

I have seen them in the past down the hedge (on the opposite side of the road to the down) walking in a easterly direction. There are several Ash trees and quite a bit of Sloe scrub. In places this scrub extends into the fields some way (well it used to!!).

If you do go I would be interested to read your report.

Best of luck!


Re: Brown Hairstreak Sites (in southwest and southern England)

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:03 pm
by eccles
I went down to Walton Hill last week with Xmilehigh. We found the windmill but the hedgerows didn't look very promising, being mainly wawthorn rather than blackthorn. As a result we didn't stop long. We also checked out Collard Hill, the well known large blue site, because the NT warden who was there during the LB emergence said that BH were resident in the fenced off line of blackthorn. We didn't find any there either. So, they may still be resident somewhere in the East Poldens but not where I've looked.

Re: Brown Hairstreak Sites (in southwest and southern Englan

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 7:15 pm
by Wildmoreway
I saw my first BH a female at Preston Down near Paignton in Devon on 24th August last year.

Re: Brown Hairstreak Sites (in southwest and southern Englan

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:09 am
hoping to see my first brown hairstreaks this year. Would this saturday be too early for Shipton Bellinger? Had 5-8 august free also but in kent on those dates now so my only other free day now is 12th august then in switzerland till sept. Is noar hill worth a look at all too??