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July 2009 votes

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 6:04 am
by Gruditch
This thread is here to allow you to cast your votes for the July 2009 competition. See entries at gallery's, photo competition, July 2009. Voting closes on the 20TH.

You need to be registered and logged into the forums, where you'll be able to cast your votes for your three favourites. Once you've voted, that's it!

:arrow : Please note : Any self votes will be removed


Re: July 2009 votes

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:30 am
by Ian Pratt
Thanks for all who voted for me this month. For the technophiles the photo was taken on a Canon EOS 10D with a Sigma 150 mm F2.8 macro 1/500 sec at F11. If you wish to see other photos see

Re: July 2009 votes

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:28 pm
by Gruditch
Hang on Ian you have to wait for me to do my bit first. :lol:

Congratulation to Ian Pratt 1st, Gwenhwyfar 2nd and Pete Eeles 3rd, and well done to all that entered.


Re: July 2009 votes

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:20 pm
by Gwenhwyfar
Many thanks to those who voted for my shot, and well done to Ian and Pete.

John got my first vote, with his faultless Alpine Heath - I'm begining to wonder if you have ever taken a duff shot.
Jerry with his 3d Comma.
And for getting every single butterfly in focus, Ian Pratt with his roosting Chalkhills.

Re: July 2009 votes

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:00 pm
by Pete Eeles
Well done to Ian and Lisa - I voted for you both!

And thanks to everyone that voted for my shot. Although I've zilch for this month so far :(


- Pete

Re: July 2009 votes

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:30 pm
by Denise
Congratulations to the worthy winners, all beautiful shots.
I thought that Paul Brock's White Admiral, although slightly worn, was a fantastic shot and worth more than 4 votes.
Saying that, there were several shots that deserved more, and would have won 2 years ago! It just shows how much we've all improved, except for my shot that got zilch, :( but in the face of such competition, I don't mind.
Well done to everyone who took part.


Re: July 2009 votes

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:38 pm
by Ian Pratt
Sorry if I jumped the gun. (I just happened to be on the computer at 06.04/07.04 whichever was the closing time for votes!)
I agree with Lisa and voted for the Alpine Heath (a truly wonderful photo!), the High Brown Fritillary and Pete's Wood White. The quality of photos is amazing in depth. Well done to all who entered. :)

Re: July 2009 votes

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:07 pm
by NickB
The first time I have voted for the 1, 2, 3 - all fantastic shots! Definitely the "woodiest", Pete!
However, xmilehigh's Comma and Roger Gibbon's HBF pushed them close! And I wish I had enough votes to give to padfield - great demonstration of using the non-blurred background to place the butterfly in its environment; loved that one!
So many great shots again - we need at least 5 votes each, Pete, and then that wouldn't be enough! (Ah well, Rogerdodge, our efforts weren't quite there - we have our memories of the day...and you did get more votes than me... :mrgreen: )

Re: July 2009 votes

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:12 pm
by xmilehigh
Well done to Ian, Lisa & pete 3 great shots.

Thanks to everyone that voted for the 3d comma :lol:

Re: July 2009 votes

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:34 pm
by Deano
Congratulations to the winners, well deserved indeed, and well done to all the entrants. I agree with others' comments that the overall standard is constantly improving!

Re: July 2009 votes

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:16 pm
by eccles
Well done Ian. To be honest I didn't vote for it. Although it's a very nice shot, because of the long narrow format I felt the limitations of the 800 pixel limit strapped it of its obvious quality. My votes were for Padfield's Meleager's blue, a great use of the increased apparent DOF from a compact, Pete's wood white, whose delicate colouration was perfectly matched with that from the background, and Gruditch's backlit chalkhill blue. Why the latter entry only got one vote, mine, is a mystery to me but it goes to show how highly subjective photographs can be.

Re: July 2009 votes

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:51 pm
by Gruditch
Cheers Eccles, :D I knew I was in trouble when I kept swapping and changing my entry.
I just couldn't seem to nail anything in July, truly thought I was going to get the dreaded ZERO.


Re: July 2009 votes

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:40 pm
by Dave McCormick
Think this is one of the few times I ave voted that 2 of the 3 I voted for came top. I voted for FISHiEE, Pete Eeles and Gwenhwyfar. The images are getting better and its hard to pick a winner, but congrats to those who did win.

Its Ok I didn't get any votes, but all the fun of getting out there, seeing the butterflies and photographing them that counts.

FISHiEE, to me your shot was clear and had everything, you could easily make out the butterfly, its clear and nothing to take your eye of it. If I could get any species of butterfly like this, would be good. If it were me though, if possiblr, I would have had the flower and butterfly further down the shot, so it does not look as high up as it is on that shot.

Gwenhwyfar, your shot has everything going for it, I like shots that show the butterfly in its enviroment, not full frame, but like this shot was, you could see it on the bramble but nothing really there to take your eye of it. I want to get shots like this, but I am not really good at it, usually have things in shot I'd rather not have because the butterflies I try and photo are usually behind leafs or grass and thats not a good shot with those in between your subject.

Pete, I know its not easy getting a shot of a white butterfly to look how its supposed to look, but you did, with the green in the background and the wood white in focus, great shot. Usually when someone takes a photo of a white butterfly, to get it right, the background is usually darker because you have to sometimes underexpose your subject to get it appearing right.

Re: July 2009 votes

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:34 pm
Congratulations to all who entered and to Ian for the overall winner - you had some luck getting the perfect pose of one wings open and the others closed. I guess they all opened up soon after the shot so it was well spotted and times and you made a great shot out of the opportunity. Thanks also to all those who voted for me :)

I've been away from the site for some time as I've been quite busy with work and other commitments.

My votes went to Eris, Xmilehigh and Eccles but there were several vying for my 3 votes as always and it's a shame to have to pick just 3 to vote on sometimes. I see things are cghanging for next month so let's see what it brings. Just going now to work out how/where I can upload an image! :)