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Is this a Dark Green Fritillary?

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:48 pm
by Woody140
Could someone please help with an ID of what I think is a Dark Green Fritillary, possibly sub species Scotica. I have used the excellent ID guide from this website and that is my best guess. The photos were taken at Binn Hill near Garmouth in North Scotland, if that helps.

Thank you.

Re: Is this a Dark Green Fritillary?

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:38 pm
by Cotswold Cockney
Certainly looks like it to me. Interesting views. Darker forms of the females sometimes show up near me on the Cotswold Hills where I'm delighted to report it is a common and widespread butterfly. On the Cotswold grasslands, they race about faster than I've ever seen any other butterfly move as fast, even the Purple Emperor in "combat" pursuit of another male. The Dark Green Fritillary has always been a favourite of mine since I first saw them racing about on the nearby hills as a schoolboy back in the 1950s. They really can shift.