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Stuck my lens into a Buddleia to see what I could find

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:40 am
by stusk
A couple of early attempts at butterfly photos. Any comments gratefully received.
1/125 sec, f7.1, ISO 100, handheld, no flash
1/125 sec, f7.1, ISO 100, handheld, no flash
1/400 sec @ f11, ISO 400, handheld, no flash
1/400 sec @ f11, ISO 400, handheld, no flash
By the way, what settings do people use to load photos on to this site? Mine look a bit small on preview.


Re: Stuck my lens into a Buddleia to see what I could find

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:28 am
by Pete Eeles
Nice shots, Stuart!

The thumbnail settings are controlled centrally for the board as a whole - you can only control the size of the full-size image (800 x 800 pixels maximum).

Some people link to an image hosted elsewhere by using the [IMG} tag - but this misses the point of having thumbnails in the first place - which is to allow for faster page download times, which some members have requested - since we're not all on broadband!


- Pete

Re: Stuck my lens into a Buddleia to see what I could find

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 2:03 pm
by eccles
Hi Stuart. Sharpening artifacts detract a little from the painted lady, I think, but I like the peacock composition. It's sharp and well exposed, the subject is off-centre and nicely balanced by the buddleia bloom on the right.