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hi there

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:22 pm
by arnie
Thought I'd better introduce myself as I've just become a member on this great site.

My name is Irene, and I've been rummaging throught your site for some 2years now, mainly trying to identify snaps I've taken. So I finally took the plunge and signed up.

As with so many of your new members I've recently gone digital with the camera and still have a lot of learning to do, but it's a facinating learning curve. Why is it that you always see great shots or some butterfly you've not snapped before when you haven't got the camera on you? Stalking any wildlife in the garden keeps me on my toes (especially as my garden is on a steep slope, the back of the garden being higher than the roof of the house), but I love landscape and bird photography too.

Today I had seven differnt species of butterflies on the old rambling buddlea - 2 red admiral, a handfull of commas, numerous large whites, 1 peacock, speckled woods, 4 gatekeepers, 1 painted lady - plus an abundance of bees, hover flies etc.

Keep up the good work, this site is very impressive with a whole load of facts and information - cheers

Re: hi there

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:43 pm
by Denise
Hi Irene,

Welcome to the site. I was a "lurker" for a year before taking the plunge and signing up too. :lol:
We are a friendly lot, and I hope that you get as much fun and information here as I do.
Hope to see you here again soon


Oh, and never leave home without your camera. :D

Re: hi there

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:06 pm
by Dave McCormick
Hi Irene,

Welcome to the site! Great bunch of people on here and I'd have to agree with Denise, don't leave without your camera. I did once and I don't remember what it was, but something important I missed. But if you do bring your camera, remember the battery or memory card! I walked over 2 miles to get a photo of a pine forest and whatever was in/around it and forgot the memory card. Likewise I went to a nature reserve about 30 miles from where I live and forgot the battery for my camera (left it in charger)! Lucky I had a compact and video camera with me so I could get shots, but it rained mostly and did not get much.
Today I had seven differnt species of butterflies on the old rambling buddlea - 2 red admiral, a handfull of commas, numerous large whites, 1 peacock, speckled woods, 4 gatekeepers, 1 painted lady - plus an abundance of bees, hover flies etc.
Always nice to have Buddlea. I have two and attacts alot, nice to know you have a lot of species found on yours.

Re: hi there

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 8:22 pm
by Pete Eeles
And a welcome from me, too, Irene. Look forward to reading your posts!


- Pete

Re: hi there

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:58 am
by arnie
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone, it certainly seems to be a very friendly and helpful site. Will hopefully remember to take the camera and all in future -
Dave McCormick wrote:But if you do bring your camera, remember the battery or memory card! I walked over 2 miles to get a photo of a pine forest and whatever was in/around it and forgot the memory card. Likewise I went to a nature reserve about 30 miles from where I live and forgot the battery for my camera (left it in charger)!
and it's great to know I'm not the only one who goes charging off with only half the equipment :D -