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4 Moths help

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:13 am
by Dave McCormick
I caught these last week and need a help on id's. I just got the revised version of field guide to Moths of gret Britian which and Ireland, IMO is a very good moth book for macro's, but I could not find these, but colour drawings are different than actual images so can anyone here help?

First One:

Moth two:

Moth Three:

Moth Four (Two moths):

Re: 4 Moths help

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:39 am
by Mikhail
Hi Dave. My moth identification skills are rather rusty. I haven't run a light trap for so long, but I'm fairly confident about three of your moths.
1. Uncertain (the moth, not me.)
2. Common Rustic
3. Double Lobed
4. Large Yellow-underwing, but I'm unsure about the other one. The markings are rather vague and I think the photo is slightly unsharp. Do you have another pic.?


Re: 4 Moths help

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:58 pm
by Dave McCormick
Thanks Misha for the id's. I dobn't actually have a better image for that grey moth, btu I am nearly sure it had a green tinge in the wings that could be seen from a certian angle. Thinking it might be Brindled Green but not sure and it flies in August, not July. I have a last few images I need Id'd

Moth 1:

Moth 2:

Moth 3: (Think on is Common Footman and not scarce footman based on how its wings are not tightly together like in scarce footman)

Moth 4:

Moth 5 (Pug Moth?):

Moth 6: (Is this the Uncertian?)

Re: 4 Moths help

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:35 pm
by JKT
1 & 4: Idaea aversata.
2: I'm pretty sure this is not found in Finland, so I leave that to others. :)
3: E. lurideolum indeed. The other one gets the same comment as the last (6).
5: Pasiphila sp.
6: rather Hoplodrina ambigua or H. blanda.

The gray moth in the first series COULD BE very worn Apamea remissa.
I thought it is impossible to tell M. secalis apart from M. didyma based on picture.

Re: 4 Moths help

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:00 pm
by Lee Hurrell

I reckon moth 2 is a Dark Arches:



Re: 4 Moths help

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 2:15 pm
by Dave McCormick
Thanks both for help :) and yeah Lee H , looks like Dark Arches to me.