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Big Biodiversity Butterfly Count

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 8:34 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi all,
Butterfly Conservation Sussex Branch, in conjunction with the Dorothy Stringer School in Brighton, held the launch of their 'Big Biodiversity Butterfly Count' on Wednesday 1st July. 50,000 butterfly identification/recording leaflets have been distributed, one to every young school pupil in the Brighton and Hove area and available in all libraries, in readiness for the survey which runs from 4th to 12th July.
The event, which aims to raise awareness of biodiversity, ecosystems and the value of butterflies as indicators of the health of our environment, particularly amongst young people, is proving highly successful. The launch day started with a recording and media session on the Dorothy Stringer Butterfly Haven, created at the school by BC Sussex committee member and chief organiser Dr Dan Danahar. This was followed by a rally of school children and a march through Brighton with Prof. David Bellamy. After some speeches it was then time for tea and cakes with the mayor. Along the route we were greeted by several White-letter Hairstreaks, coming down from the elms to nectar in the central city gardens. The image below shows part of the BC Sussex committee with the great man.

Re: Big Biodiversity Butterfly Count

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:33 pm
by Pete Eeles
Awesome stuff - well done Sussex BC!


- Pete