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Bernwood Forest - a warning!

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:03 am
by pearsoda
Just a word of warning - my car was broken into on Saturday 27 June. It was parked on its own in the BBONT car park near to Bernwood Forest. There was nothing on show and nothing in the car apart from an empty rucksack in the boot, which the thieves took.


Re: Bernwood Forest - a warning!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:05 pm
by Charles Nicol
Sorry to hear about your break-in :( :(

the same thing happened to me last year at Brampton Wood.

Unfortunately even if the perpetrators are caught nothing much will happen to them... they will probably get free visualization therapy to heal their inner child and a head massage.


:evil: :evil: