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Hello everybody from Spain!

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 7:57 pm
by Inachisio
Hi forum,
I'm new here. My name is Isidro and I'm from Spain.
I searched for Lepidoptera identification forums in Internet and I found this one. I would wish to identify here my photos but the problem is that nothing of the photos are taken in UK. Great majority are Spanish (and very few old photos from China or Taiwan).
For that reason I ask if I could use the Identification forum for post my photos and ask for the ID even with none of the photos are from UK.
I searched for more international, general european Lepidoptera forums but I don't found anything. If I can't use this one, I ask too: somebody know a forum like this one but that can include other european countries such Spain?

Thanks a lot in advance.
Best regards,

Re: Hello everybody from Spain!

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:13 pm
by Padfield
Hi Isidro,

Welcome to UK Butts!

You're very welcome to post non-UK photographs here and we have many members who have wide experience of European (and beyond) butterflies. I do a lot of butterflying in Spain myself, as do several others, so post away. There is an 'overseas' forum specifically for foreign butterflies.

I look forward to your pictures,


Re: Hello everybody from Spain!

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:18 pm
by Inachisio
Thanks a lot Guy for that warm welcome and recomendations!

Then, what do you thinK: it's more properly to put the photos for identify, in the Identification forum, or in the International forum?
I have especially problems to find the name of the micro-moths...

Re: Hello everybody from Spain!

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:15 pm
by Padfield
I'm not sure it's terribly important, but if you posted your non-UK butterflies &c. in the 'Overseas' forum it would probably keep everyone happy!!


Re: Hello everybody from Spain!

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:10 pm
by Inachisio
Thanks a lot! I will go now to post someone! :D

Re: Hello everybody from Spain!

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:52 pm
by Pete Eeles
padfield wrote:... we have many members who have wide experience of European (and beyond) butterflies
Guy is being too modest ... Guy is considered the European authority on this site!


- Pete