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Allt Mhuic Nature Reserve,

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 6:30 pm
by Ian Pratt
My wife and I are going to Aviemore at the beginning of next month and plan to visit the above reserve to try to possibly see large heath, chequered skipper and scotch argus. Any comments about the reserve and other places to visit for natural history in the Cairngorms National Park area?

Re: Allt Mhuic Nature Reserve,

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 7:51 pm
by Pete Eeles
Not sure about this site, Ian, but I think you'll be lucky to see Chequered Skipper - I think they'll be well over by then.


- Pete

Re: Allt Mhuic Nature Reserve,

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 3:09 pm
by Dave
In 2007 I saw a single fresh Chequered Skipper here around July 4th which was entirely unexpected as I had assumed they'd be over by then so I would imagine that was the last of the year. Good showing of Azure Hawker and Northern Emerald here though.

Re: Allt Mhuic Nature Reserve,

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:49 pm
by sandraandkevin
Hi Ian,

Sandra and I have just got back from Strathpeffer, just above Inverness a week ago and all I can say is that Scotland especially the Highlands is an amazing place to see.

We went for the Chequered Skippers and saw these at Glasdrum and Allt Mhuic, unfortunately I cannot comment on whether they will be around in July but there are plenty of other wildlife to see.

I would recommend 3 places that we went to.

1) Loch Garten- famous for its Osprey (they have 3 chicks at present) but very good for Red Squirrels and we also saw a Capercaile, Siskins, Goldeneye with Ducklings, Common Sandpiper and lots more. Also not far from Aviemore.

2) Chanonry Point- Great place to see Dolphins- this is on the Moray Firth and as you drive along the sea front keep your eye out for Otters.

Probably our favourite place that we visited and we went there twice-is a place called Findhorn Valley. It is off of the A9 at a place called Tomatin, you follow the road until you reach Findhorn bridge and then turn right, you will then be on a single track road, which goes for at least 3-4 miles. It is a very beautiful place and full of wildlife, we saw Red Deer, Mountain Goats, Mountain Hare, Brown Hare, Dipper, Ring Ouzel, Osprey, Redstart, Young Golden Eagle,Buzzard, Peregrine, Wheaters and lots more. At the end of the road, there is parking from which people wildlife/bird watch. Once you have parked your Car, you can walk for miles.
I hope this helps and you get good weather.

Kevin and Sandra

Re: Allt Mhuic Nature Reserve,

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:12 pm
by Ian Pratt
Many thanks for this helpful information - just hope the weather holds! Ian :D

Re: Allt Mhuic Nature Reserve,

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:54 pm
by dave brown
Like Dave said in his reply, you will be very luckily to see Chequered Skipper so late in the year. However, the reserve is very good for dragonflies including Azure Hawker. You may also be a bit early for Scotch Argus. Large Heath should be easy at various locations including Bridge of Grudie.
