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The unusual skipper!

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:20 am
by Paul
This one has been a bit puzzling, unfortunately no uns. shot. It was as large as carthami, but ???? opinions sought please! I think we decided it was approx 1500m alt.


Re: The unusual skipper!

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:52 am
by Padfield
I still think the best bet is andromedae. The third spot is deceptively far out so it doesn't look like a group of three, but comparing now with other skippers I see that they just don't have that spot at all.

This is carthami from this year (with you, Paul):


Just one spot there.

This is andromedae:


The classic three-spot arrangement.

This is alveus from last year:


Just one spot.

But alveus can have two:


The third spot in your picture is never there in alveus.


PS - I've noticed that the hindwing pattern on my andromedae, above, is very similar to yours. I feel this must be what it is. Obviously, andromedae is not as big as carthami, but when you saw this insect you hadn't had your life tick for carthami so you didn't know how huge that looks...

Re: The unusual skipper!

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:05 am
by Paul
Those are super photos Guy..
I totally agree that's what mine must be, and your photos & explanation are very convincing, thank you again. :D