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The Purple Empire

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:20 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi all - I received the following from Derek Longhurst who can be contacted at and will be of particular interest to subjects of the Purple Emperor :)


- Pete

Hi Pete,

Thanks for your support for our site in the past.

This year I've created a weblog so that iris afficionados can post their photos and observations directly, rather than wait for me to get round to it. This means information can be about as current as it's possible to make it.

Would you be kind enough to alert those of your respondents who might be interested. The link is as below:

and I'd be delighted to register anyone else who'd like to add material. Just drop me an email and I can add them to the list of respondents.

All the best for a great season - I don't think I'll make it over this year, unfortunately, but next year's a definite.


Re: The Purple Empire

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 9:52 pm
by Susie
I was just thinking about this today.

I can't help having a growing sense of excitement as I have a feeling this year is going to be exceptionally good. I have a fish head nicely rotting away in anticipation. :lol: I have a feeling the PEs may be on the wing early this year and I'm going to start checking the woods behind my house from next week if the weather is good.

The blog is a great idea; my only criticism would be that I am not so sure that I like people who make disparaging remarks about brown hairstreaks (but I won't say anything cos I'm not going to argue with someone capable of time travel). :wink: