Sony 500mm reflex f8 af

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Shirley Roulston
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Sony 500mm reflex f8 af

Post by Shirley Roulston »

I thought that this lens was just for Af but not so as Eccles told me and whilst looking for butterflies to-day just managed to change the macro lens and got this flying bird. For the price its fantastic. I mean the lens.
Picture 038 (Large).jpg
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Re: Sony 500mm reflex f8 af

Post by eccles »

It is a very nice lens, maybe the best production mirror lens ever made for DSLR. The reason why so much is made of autofocus with it is that no other reflex can autofocus, and because the focus point is very precise it's a valuable attribute. Yes, you can use it with manual focus but I don't think I've ever done so in practice, instead using the focus lock button on the side of the lens or one of the non-central focus points in the camera to decentre the focus point.
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