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Species descriptions

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 9:46 pm
by Steve Scott
This probably goes without saying, and I'm almost embarassed to ask given the quality of the website, but when can we expect to see the species descriptions completed?


- Steve


Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 9:54 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks Steve - and welcome to the forum!

That's a good question with (hopefully) a good answer :D

To be honest, creating the species descriptions is really time-consuming. I started documenting the Skippers (Hesperiidae) just before Xmas, but have been too busy getting the website functionality (such as this forum) in place.

However, if you, or anyone else out there, would like to contribute a description for a species, then I'd be only too happy to include it.

This particular area has also taken a while to conclude due to the excellent books available, which has meant that it's been less of a priority. On this note, I'd recommend the WildGuides "Britain's Butterflies" ( as a general identification guide. WildGuides also happen to be the major sponsor of the UK Butterflies website. I've even seen people "in the field" with their publication in their hands!

In summary - watch this space!


- Pete

Help at hand !

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:09 pm
by Adrian Hoskins
Hi Pete

So you want some help with species descriptions eh ?

I'll gladly have a go, but are you really just after descriptions, or is it field notes and observations about the butterflies and their early stages that you're after ?

Adrian Hoskins

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 8:21 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks Adrian. It's both. But arguably field notes and observations would be more interesting, since you won't find much of this in the books!


- Pete