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France 09

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:24 pm
by Paul
Now just over a month until I get back to the French Alps... 9 days in Samoens! Last time I went there 2 years ago it was under a weeks worth of black thundery skies :( ... had to drive 200 miles south on 3 successive days to see anything ( eco-armageddon)... hoping for some different weather this time!!! Wondering whether Guy might still be interested in meeting up over the weekend 6th & 7th June?? :?

Re: France 09

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:14 pm
by Padfield
Only just seen your post, Paul. Yes, I'm definitely still up for it!! :D


Re: France 09

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:15 pm
by Paul
Excellent... can't wait!! :D

Re: France 09

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 5:29 pm
by Padfield
The iolas are ready and waiting for you, Paul. This is an early female - I only saw two females today and the bladder senna is not ready for them to lay yet (they lay on the calyx of the developing bladder and there were no 2009 bladders on any plants):


This is a male:


And this another male, nectaring at a bladder senna flower:


They'll definitely still be around when you come - all you need is the weather...

There were no ups opportunities today because I arrived at the site too late and the day was far too hot. We need to aim at getting there around 9.30 for ups shots, then carrying on for trappi and berisalii &c.


Re: France 09

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 6:06 pm
by Paul
Fantastic... I still daren't hope... but sounds extremely promising!! :D I can get to wherever you want to meet up on time this time round as I know how long the journey is likely to take... rather wildly misjudged it last time!!! If you want to email me it's :arrow:, I'm pretty sure I have mislaid your mobile No now, but it would be a good idea to be able to talk when I'm nearer to Switzerland!... I'm also glad they do show uppersides... was wondering if they were a closed wing species until you explained! :D :D

Re: France 09

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 5:27 pm
by Padfield
Spring still progressing slowly but determinedly towards your visit, Paul! I found a modest 34 species at one site today - modest, because several things that will definitely be on the wing when you come out hadn't emerged yet, including ilex hairstreak (which I know you want!), marbled skipper, purple-shot copper &c. I also didn't see a green-veined white, which normally comes as standard!!

But here are a few piccies of what is out now - in most cases just freshly out:

Provençal fritillary, Mellicta deione, ssp. berisalii. A few males (no females) flying today.

Swiss zephyr blue, Plebejus (pylaon) trappi - again, just a few males today.

Olive skipper, Pyrgus serratulae.

Glanville fritillary, Melitaea cinxia.

De Prunner's ringlet, Erebia triaria.

Southern small white, Artogeia mannii.


Re: France 09

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 9:13 pm
by Paul
Absolutely superb photos, it's getting close now, obviously can't wait!... the Zephyr is worth the trip alone!! If I see any Ilex, it may stop me making "false" assumptions. ( or otherwise :D :D ) - I have been practising today.....

