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Bridge camera advice please!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:46 pm
by chassyp
Hi everyone. I am going to Spain in a couple of months and am looking for an all round camera. I use a digital SLR as a rule, but dont want to take the bulk and lenses abroad. I have seen the results of some Bridge cameras and they seem good enough to me. I need something that will be good for scenery and also for macro for creepy crawly things!! Any ideas would be appreciated. Regards.

Re: Bridge camera advice please!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:55 am
by Rogerdodge

In my opinion (for what THAT is worth?!) carrying the weight/bulk is worth it.
When that Spanish Festoon lands 3 feet away you will regret having left the right kit back at home!

What do you need/ - an SLR with a "Standard" zoom for landscapes etc (that weighs fractionally more than a bridge camera) and a macro lens. Hardly going to break your bak is it?

Spend the money on a decent carrying system (belt and holster/pouch) and you will hardly know it is there.


Re: Bridge camera advice please!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:09 am
by eccles
Nearly all superzoom cameras have pitifully small sensors, and their macro functions require you to get very close to the subject. However, I've seen some good results from the Canon G series compacts. Their sensors are larger than usual for a compact and the optics are pretty good.
But I agree with Roger. I'd take my DSLR and spend the money saved on a Tamron 18-250 zoom. This will cover most of your holiday snap needs, and focussing down to about 18" it'll give 1:3 magnification. It's pretty sharp, and with a bit of PP cropping should cover medium and large size bugs.

Re: Bridge camera advice please!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:29 pm
by chassyp
Thanks very much for the replies. Food for thought I must say. I guess the truth is, I thought that all along, but needed someone to spell it out!! Thanks again.