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Discover Butterflies in Britain

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 8:25 pm
by David Newland
I'm hoping to keep up-to-date on the 66 sites described in Discover Butterflies in Britain. They are listed on If anyone finds anything unusual about the sites, or has good or bad experiences when looking for the expected species, I'd very pleased to know and will post appropriate updates. I'm also adding new places, so any suggestions for these will be very welcome too. You'll find that there are already some new ones on the website.
Thanks in advance for your help everyone!
David Newland

Re: Discover Butterflies in Britain

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 8:19 pm
by web4160

I thought I would respond to your posts and say how useful I've found your book when visiting parts of the Country I'm not familiar with. For example we visited Eyarth Rocks in Denbighshire for the first time on Saturday and without your detailed directions and map I'm not sure we would have found the reserve. As it was we had a very enjoyable afternoon and saw 5 or 6 Pearl Bordered Fritillaries + a Painted Lady and several whites of various kinds.

We have a holiday in Devon coming up at the end of June so hopefully we will be able to visit a few more of the sites listed in the book.

On a different point I agree with your comments on your website about the lack of identified sites in Yorkshire. I guess ones worth considering would be Spurn Head in the East, around Grassington in the Yorkshire Dales and Newton Dale further North.


Re: Discover Butterflies in Britain

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 9:09 pm
by David Newland
Great, David. I'm very glad that Eyarth Rocks worked well for you. I haven't been there for about 3 years so am pleased to hear that it is still good. Just the input I want, thanks. And thanks for your suggestions in Yorkshire, I'll certainly try to follow up there. Incidentally, have a look at for updates on the sites and some new ones which may interest. The Mountain Ringlet site at Honister (see the website) is not too far from you if you have time at the end of June. And do keep us posted with your further news please. All the best, David