General butterfly friendly plants

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nick patel
Posts: 111
Joined: Sat Jun 30, 2007 2:43 pm

General butterfly friendly plants

Post by nick patel »


i know this is a bit vague, but can anyone list me a few (maybe top 10) garden plants that might be worth gettin for the garden (in maybe attracting butterflies to feed and breed).

Excluding Budl. which i already have.

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Re: General butterfly friendly plants

Post by Denise »

Hi Nick,
I would say, Field Scabious, Wallflower Bowles Mauve, Valerian, Verbena bonariensis, Aubretia, Cuckoo flower, Viper's bugloss,
Bugle, Oreganum vulare (Marjoram) and Birds-foot Trefoil.
That should get you started.

nick patel
Posts: 111
Joined: Sat Jun 30, 2007 2:43 pm

Re: General butterfly friendly plants

Post by nick patel »

Thanks - very helpful.

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