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Where do I start with raising butterflies?

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:54 pm
by senatorvass
Hello! I am an avid animal lover and have recently felt very interested in branching out to raising butterflies. I was wondering if you could educate me a little about how to go about doing it, I really need step by step information! I need to know about housing, selecting, releasing vs. keeping in captivity, all of it really! I have ordered a book which hasnt arrived yet written by Robert Goodden so I am looking forward to reading that, but thought a personal perspective would be invaluable.

Many thanks!

Re: Where do I start with raising butterflies?

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:23 am
by Piers
Hi Senatorvass,

The best book on the subject by a long chalk is Friedrich's Breeding Butterflies and Moths: A Practical Handbook for British and European Species. At almost 200 pages it contains a wealth of valuable information as well as specific requirements for families and species where appropriate. I can not recommned this book highly enough.

It's on Amazon from £15 for the limpback. Bargain.


Re: Where do I start with raising butterflies?

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:37 pm
by Cotswold Cockney
Above all, if you want to be a successful butterfly breeder, obtain a stock of healthy growing butterfly foodplants. Get those growing well and established before getting livestock. This has many advantages not least it will ensure a healthy well fed stock. As they are growing plants, there will be no need to obtain cut twigs and leaves which is a time consuming chore, and often produces unhealthy butterflies.

There are a number of species such as Holly Blues, Orange tips and even the Purple Emperor which can be reared successfully throughout on growing plants without the need for a cage. They will need to be protected from predators which can come in many forms though. I have used a large (shaded) greenhouse and conservatory with success.

There are numerous 'how to' books but, few stress how important the use of growing healthy foodplants is to ensure a healthy stock.

Good luck. Seeing a Butterfly or Moth i've bred emerge and hydraulically expand its wings is something I have observed many, many times and will never tire of the experience.

Re: Where do I start with raising butterflies?

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:25 am
by chitin
The Amateur Entomologists Association publish a comprehensive booklet on rearing the British Butterflies. Superb book and quite cheap. They also have a booklet on the foodplants of the British Butterflies. Also another on rearing the British Hawkmoths. To obtain stock of many rare species bred in captivity join the Entomology Livestock Group, Unfortunately they only accept membership applications during a December/ January window ! Members buy,sell and exchange at prices well below that of WWButterflies and "themothman". Also try to attend the AES Autumn fair at Kempton Park Racecourse in late September/October. Kettering Fair was last week, Newark (Notts)next month. Also AES Northern Show but not sure of date.