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pocket sized butterfly nets

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 1:38 pm
by Steve Babbs
When i was a kid I had a small net which would fold small enough to fit in a pocket. Does anyone know if such things still exist and where I could get one from? I'm looking for something that would fit into a side pocket of a pair of combat trousers.



Re: pocket sized butterfly nets

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:28 am
by Padfield
I bought this one:

It twists easily and quickly into a size I can keep in my trouser pocket; when expanded it is smaller than a full-size net but looks quite usable, though perhaps not deep enough. I got it after the end of last season and so haven't used it yet.

I only use a net for identifying difficult groups like Pyrgus, Mellicta and Erebia. I have a good quality non-crushable one but that makes me look like a card-carrying collector, and also encourages people to think nets and butterflying go together. I got the crushable one so I could look more friendly and innocent but still be able to pop a Pyrgus in a pot if necessary (before releasing it, of course).


Re: pocket sized butterfly nets

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:23 am
by Thithili
hehe when i was a kid i had a jam jar with twisted wire handles around the top and a lid that had lots of small air holes in it :roll:
used to catch them and watch them for a bit and then let them go ..

was some happy times , wish i was a kid again :D

Re: pocket sized butterfly nets

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:47 pm
by Steve Babbs
I found this:

which is slightly cheaper so will probably go for that unless anyone advises against it.

Interesting that nhbs describe a net apparently identical to one I bought nearly 30 years ago as innovative.

Isn't part of the attraction of wildlife that we have an excuse to act like a kid again? :D

Re: pocket sized butterfly nets

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:32 pm
by chitin
i had a spring steel net years ago from Worldwide Butterflies. Vicious beast which would uncoil with force. Still have the scars. If you want a small net buy some fence wire and a yard of muslin type material from a Craft Store or John Lewis and make one to your desired size. With flimsy material reinforce the rim with something more substantive. I made a net once in emergency by stapling the bag !!

Re: pocket sized butterfly nets

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:50 pm
by Padfield
I've been using the NHBS net this season and am very satisfied. It fits comfortably in a trouser pocket, so you don't even notice you're carrying it, and then when a difficult Pyrgus turns up can be whipped out in an instant. It goes back in the pocket equally swiftly. I am now quite unlikely to use my long-handled, non-springy net for ordinary butterflying trips.
