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Hi All

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 4:45 pm
by Ina
What a great website. I have been dipping in and out for a while now..... Well since I first found it. :) I have only just looked at the forums though. You seem to be quite well spread around. Is there anyone in the N.W. of England?
Are you all into photography? I ask this as although I take photos, they are for records only and not too great I have to admit. I do however really enjoy Lepidoptera and birds, and am hoping to pick your collective brains!!!
Best of luck to all for the forthcoming season....Think that is Spring, or maybe a re-run of Winter. :lol:

Re: Hi All

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:50 pm
by Denise
Hi Ina and welcome to the site.
I live in the south west but intend to travel around a bit this year.
I wasn't really into photography when I joined up, but now I love it.
Hope to see you here again :)


Re: Hi All

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 6:05 pm
by thepostieles
hi ina im from the northwest, and welcome :D

Re: Hi All

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:48 am
by Ina
Thanks for the welcome. I seem to have posted this on the wrong forum, sorry. will find my way around soon.

Re: Hi All

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:42 pm
by KeynvorLogosenn
Hi Ina
Did you think it said 'conversation'? :D I did, it read conservation as what I thought sounded like Conversation, because the American accent was so strong :lol:
Welcome by the way :D
I'm from East Anglia, what's it like butterfly wise in the North West? I aim to do some UK travelling this summer :)

Re: Hi All

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:14 pm
by Shirley Roulston
Hello Ina,
I hope you find this website interesting, over the winter months we have been sending bird photos in and I'm sure you'll find that thread enjoyable, the sighting of the first butterflies is a bit thin on the ground at the moment. Any questions on photography, they'll surely have the answer here!
Regards Shirley

Re: Hi All

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:11 pm
by Ina
Conversation eh! 'Nice one'. :lol: I wish I could say I had made that mistake. I was just hopping from forum to forum and lost track of where I was I'm afraid. Think i'm developing Terry Pratchett's disorder. May be why I had Conservation on my mind... Conserving what is left of mine.
Best place for butterflies in this neck of the woods is the Arnside/Silverdale area. I have been around there today.... No 'booming Bitterns' at Leighton Moss yet, for the birders among you.

Re: Hi All

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:35 pm
by Cotswold Cockney
Ina wrote:
Conversation eh! 'Nice one'. :lol: I wish I could say I had made that mistake. I was just hopping from forum to forum and lost track of where I was I'm afraid. Think i'm developing Terry Pratchett's disorder. May be why I had Conservation on my mind... Conserving what is left of mine.
Best place for butterflies in this neck of the woods is the Arnside/Silverdale area. I have been around there today.... No 'booming Bitterns' at Leighton Moss yet, for the birders among you.
Hi Ina ~ and welcome.

There are some nice localities in the North West. The area has some strong colonies of species we never see 'dahn sarf'. I've not been to Arnside and the nearby mosses for close on forty years although I did work and travel in the Manchester, Preston, Liverpool and Morecambe areas in the 1970s. The demands of my job then left little time and energy to explore the many 'potentially' suitable habitats that caught my eye on my travels. Even with better travel available today, so vast is the area I strongly suspect that many suitable areas with good colonies of local species remain to be 'discovered'. What an opportunity even today.

Rather than visit the same old well known localities, my advice to you is to look at and study closely the aerial maps on the internet of nearby relatively 'unspoilt' habitats and make a list. You will soon 'get your eye in' and identity 'new' potentially suitable habitats. Then explore them in the seasons and make notes ~ you may discover some really good places which support nice species just as I have done.

Over the years, I have done this ( although back then I had only the OS maps for research ) and found some good localities which as far as I can ascertain, have never seen an experienced naturalist. This for me is the real pleasure. My records and observations in the 1960s and 1970s I used to send to Monkswood but, now never do so. I can confirm that there are still strong colonies of a number of 'declining' species for which there are no dots on any maps. You too may find new strong localities as I have done. That is always a thrill for me.

Re: Hi All

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:00 pm
by Charles Nicol
Hi Ina
Welcome to our world of fun :P
Cotswold Cockney wrote:
. My records and observations in the 1960s and 1970s I used to send to Monkswood but, now never do so.

It is just as well that you have stopped sending things to Monkswood... the Experimental Station has been shut down by Gordon's Government. The local police are thinking of moving in to use it as a training centre. I don't know what they would make of your Nature Notes !!
