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Butterflies of Turkey

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 9:10 am
by Sylvie_h
Is the book by Ahmet Baytas ' Butterflies of Turkey' worth having? Is it lightweight to use in the field?
Also I will be in Turkey in May in the Mugla Province (Dalyan). Does anybody know the region for butterflies?

Re: Butterflies of Turkey

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 6:24 pm
by rezamink

I went to Mugla provence (Fethiye) on holiday last year (Last week in May & first week of June), it was a family holiday so I only had the odd moment to search for Butterflies...

I managed to get photos of 21 species, so these are only ones that I have made an ID with any certainty (thanks to Padfield!)... includes:
Loew's Blue, Zephr Blue, Eastern (Bath White, Meadow Brown & Wood White), Lattice Brown, Levantine, Oriental Marbled, Lulworth & Millett skippers, Powdered Brimstone and Sloe Hairstreak.

I bought 'the butterflies of Turkey' to take with me (alongside Tolmans European guide), it's a photographic guide and obviously includes Turkish species missing from Tolman... I like the book and the photos are good, but I wouldn't say that it could be used alone (unless your an expert of course!), however i'd definately recommend it.

You will see more species if you head into the mountains....

The dragonflies are also excellent, I managed to get photos of 20 species including:
Anax Immaculifrons (Magnificent emperor), Caliaeschna Microstigma, Coenagrion Ornatum, Cordulegaster Insignis (fantastic Blue eyed Goldenring), Crocethemis Erythraea, Onychogomphus Forcipatus, Orthetrum (Brunneum, Chrysostigma, Coerulescens & Taeniolatum), Sympetrum Meridionale, Trithemis (Festiva, Annulata) and Erythromma Lindenii.

I hope you have a great holiday!


Re: Butterflies of Turkey

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:09 am
by Sylvie_h
Hi Damian,

Thank you for the info. I will be happy enough to see the species you have seen yourself when you were over there (butterflies and dragonflies). I have found a lot of information on dragonflies in the region but not so much on the butterflies, so getting a copy of the book is probably a good idea.