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Earthwatch Expeditions Open Day

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 9:33 am
by Pete Eeles
I was sent the following from Simon Laman and am circulating as requested:

The environmental charity Earthwatch are hosting the first of their Expedition Open Days for 2009 in their Oxford Office, Mayfield House, 256 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7DE, from 10.00am -1.30pm on Saturday 24th January.

This is your opportunity to meet the Earthwatch team - get the lowdown on what they do, why they need you and what to expect from the Earthwatch volunteering experience on environmental research projects in the field.

Free to all, but by ticket only – light refreshments and a sandwich lunch will be provided on the day.

For tickets and more information contact their Events Department on (01865) 318856;
