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Clouded Yellows

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 10:57 pm
by Paul
3 photos for comparison... first one is straightforward crocea, but what of the other 2???




Both are from the Pyrenees Orientales in 7/08.... I have them down as helice, but the middle one above.. could it be another species?? I would be very grateful for opinions :?

Re: Clouded Yellows

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:29 am
by Padfield
I'd go with helice for the second one. The third, however, looks very yellow under the forewing for helice. Did you see the upperside, or are you going solely on this photo for ID?

Here are a couple of helice from Switzerland, showing the underside of the forewing:


I don't think either is one of the other clouded yellows (in the region, alfacariensis and phicomone are the commonest, at different altitudes of course) but the really crucial bits of the wings are hidden in this view.


Re: Clouded Yellows

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 5:13 pm
by Paul
The third one did have whitish upperside, I think I thought that was more helice than the middle one... I have no other shots to help.. so I won't rename anything!! :roll: