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Variation in British Butterflies

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:59 pm
by cjs
Variation in British Butterflies
AS Harmer
Has anyone got this book or can make a comment about it please.

Re: Variation in British Butterflies

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:40 am
by Pete Eeles
Hi cjs,

I have 3 books on variations - this one, Russwurm and Frohawk.

None of these books is extensive in their coverage - a book I'd like to find! For example, there is a book that is dedicated to aberrations of Chalkhill Blues!

All of the 3 books select a subset of "interesting" aberrations and they all choose a different set.

As for the Harmer book - the most interesting aspect is, I believe, the extensive discussions that precede the descriptions of the aberrations, which give some of the background to the book which makes for a great read. There's extensive coverage of the author's association with Donald Russwurm, who provides the illustrations.


- Pete

Re: Variation in British Butterflies

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:51 am
by cjs
Hi Pete
Thanks for your reply, and for the information. Could you give a title for the other two books. I dont suppose you could recomend one. Thanks again.

Re: Variation in British Butterflies

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:57 am
by Pete Eeles
Aberrations of British Butterflies - A.D.A. Russwurm

Varieties of British Butterflies - F.W. Frohawk

Of them all, I prefer Harmer the most since they're all equivalent in terms of coverage of variations - but Harmer has the additional commentary I mentioned.


- Pete

Re: Variation in British Butterflies

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:02 pm
by cjs
Thanks Pete its on my Christmas list. :)