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Powerstock, Dorset

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:56 am
by thorntonmothman
Dear All,

A couple of us are planning migrating south next summer for a Dorset weekend to pull in the Portland reserves. However, I have come across a few references about Powerstock Railway, Common etc..

It appears that there are a wealth of species here (considerably more that we get in VC55!!) and thought this might be a sensible base.

Does anybody have experience of this area ? Any tips ?

I thank you all in advance

Russ Malin
Leicestershire VC55

Re: Powerstock, Dorset

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:51 pm
by Roger Gibbons
I haven’t been there for a few years, but Powerstock Common is a terrific place. Especially good for Wood White and Marsh Fritillary. It is quite a large reserve, with clearly defined paths, but the best place is (or was) the cutting of the disused railway line. My notebook of records, including this site, were stolen from the car at Figsbury Ring near Salisbury, so I don’t have more details. Apparently a notorious place for thieves, according to the local police. Now I scan the notebook pages and keep a backup on the PC and on DVD.

The entrance to the site is quite hard to find. It’s in the middle of nowhere, just off a little country lane. I checked the BC Dorset branch site and some useful details are here.

The advice about car thefts is worth heeding. My car lock was damaged as some nice locals tried to drill it out in an attempted break-in. The police thought they were probably disturbed (you can choose your own meaning). I did see some dubious characters there subsequently and reported their car number to the police, who didn’t seem that interested. I met the reserve warden later and he said to park further up the track where there were a few parking spaces actually within the reserve.

Best to check flight periods for the more interesting species – around mid-June might be best for Wood White and Marsh Fritillary

Re: Powerstock, Dorset

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 2:30 pm
by thorntonmothman
Many thanks. I had noticed some information regarding the car thefts so will be wary. We are planning July 4th/5th so hopefully we'll be lucky...

Thanks again for the information

Re: Powerstock, Dorset

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:23 pm
by Gruditch
Roger Gibbons wrote: My notebook of records, including this site, were stolen from the car at Figsbury Ring near Salisbury,
I'm afraid every nature reserve car park I've been too now has a, "Thieves operate in this area," warning sign. But locally, Figsbury Rings defiantly has the worst reputation. Very sad as it has fantastic views of the surrounding countryside, and it's supposed to support a good colony of Adonis Blue, :? not risked leaving the car to find out. :(


Re: Powerstock, Dorset

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:28 pm
by thorntonmothman
It is a sad reflection. I will either a) walk from the village or b) get somebody else to take their car !

Re: Powerstock, Dorset

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:45 pm
by Jack Harrison

Why not put a large portrait of yourself in the car window? Surely that would be enough to make thieves think twice :twisted:

Jack :)

Re: Powerstock, Dorset

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:53 pm
by Gruditch
Knowing my luck some kleptomaniac poof will nick me portrait. :(


Re: Powerstock, Dorset

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:51 pm
by m_galathea
You can always avoid car thieves by taking the bus :) Figsbury Ring looks very easy to get to from Salisbury, Middle Wallop, Andover etc, even on a Saturday.