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Advice needed: Butterfly in my house

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 10:11 am
by kat08
Firstly, I must confess that apart from appreciating the sight of a beautiful butterfly in my garden, I know very, very little about them, and the point has now come where I really need some advice and I was hoping one of you might be able to help.
Basically, the situation is that I found a butterfly in my house, on the inside of a little storage box that hardly ever gets used (it was hanging on the fabric cover on the inside - clever little thing, nice and warm and no draughts! :) ).
I was going to put it outside, but not sure if that is the right thing to do now that winter is approaching. So, this is where you come in - can you tell me if I should put it outside (I heard it move about a little yesterday afternoon, so it's not totally asleep), or if it is best to just leave it there (I would make sure it didn't get disturbed until spring-I am assuming they hybernate??).
If you think I should leave it inside, should I put some food out for it? If so, what would you suggest would be best? and when would it be time to let it outside again?
Thanks for any help you can give me with this dilema.
Kat :D

Re: Advice needed: Butterfly in my house

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 10:22 am
by Pete Eeles
Hi Kat - and welcome! This is quite a common situation since some of our butterflies hibernate, and typically find sheltered situations such as hollow trees, sheds, garages etc. to roost in.

The problem with keeping them indoors is that they can dry out over the winter as a result of, for example, central heating. Whereas an outdoor location tends to produce the moisture required (you just need to look at the dew on the ground, even in summer, to see how moist it is!).

So - the best thing to do is let the critter go, outside, on a sunny day (like today, where I am!). They'll soon warm up and fly off to a more-suitable location!


- Pete

Re: Advice needed: Butterfly in my house

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 1:17 pm
by kat08
Thanks very much for your help Pete!
That makes sense, I will let him out as soon as all this rain and wind is over...yuck!!
Thanks again :D

Re: Advice needed: Butterfly in my house

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 4:58 pm
by KeynvorLogosenn
I had a butterfly fly in my house a couple of weeks ago! And I let it go, the way I caught it was to put a box over it, and stick the lid under quickly, so much easier!


Re: Advice needed: Butterfly in my house

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 1:37 pm
by ButterWild
Yes the best thing to do is to clasp your hands over it! so you can feel if your hurting it or not! but the best thing would be to let it out when its nice and warm out!