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Autumn in the Rhône Valley

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 3:57 pm
by Padfield
After a very cold September the butterfly season seems to be at its last gasp here in Switzerland. It was sunny this morning, though, so I caught the tram down from my mountain and took a walk in the Rhône Valley, where things hang on the longest. Here are a few highlights:

Queen of Spain fritillaries (Issoria lathonia) are mostly looking fresh:

And feeling fresh:

Queens of Spain are continuously brooded here - I photographed my first for the year in January and have seen them every month since.

Southern small whites (Artogeia mannii) still around in good numbers. This is a male:

And this a female:

Still a few bright Adonis blues (Lysandra bellargus):

But this one seemed to have undersides on both surfaces of the wings!

This is a pair of Berger's pale clouded yellows (Colias alfacariensis). The female is in front - the male's colours have been lost by the camera:

This tree grayling (Neohipparchia statilinus) had seen better days (but I photographed plenty of fresher ones):

A single brown hairstreak (Thecla betulae) - this is not a competition photo...:

And my favourite non-butterfly insect - this male praying mantis:

Other species on the wing were: clouded yellow, small white, green-veined white, large white, common blue, baton blue, Chapman's blue, northern brown argus, wall, red admiral and small tortoiseshell.


Re: Autumn in the Rhône Valley

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 7:20 pm
by Paul
Fantastic Guy, wish I could yake a tram into the Rhone Valley just now!!!! :D

Re: Autumn in the Rhône Valley

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 7:58 pm
by Padfield
Come out again next year, Paul! Perhaps in June for iolas, berisalii, carthami, trappi... :D

We can catch the tram or alternatively you can drive!


Re: Autumn in the Rhône Valley

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 9:43 pm
by Paul
I might be able to... which bit of June is best! The thought of a possible encounter with Iolas... hmmmmm... would have to find out if the accomodation I used before was available, and justify it with the "powers that be" :wink: , but I can work on that one.( Later in 09 a trip to Pau might be on the cards too. )

Re: Autumn in the Rhône Valley

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:58 pm
by Padfield
Typically, iolas emerges at the end of May and flies throughout June. In 2007 it emerged at the end of April but that year was anomalous. You certainly can't go wrong with the second week of June. I only have weekends free at that time of year (i.e., school term) but would be happy to put you up anyway. I won't have had time to trash my new house by then so it should be reasonably acceptable.


Re: Autumn in the Rhône Valley

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 6:01 pm
by Paul
.....I hadn't thought of imposing myself on you ( really!!). I could easily find somewhere, but if you haven't reconsidered I would be delighted to help trash your new house! (not) :D 2nd week in June would be perfect, for definite.... would Asha be OK with it?!!

Re: Autumn in the Rhône Valley

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 1:19 pm
by Padfield
Sorry Paul - I never replied.

Yes, second week in June is fine! Iolas will definitely be on the wing and I can make sure I'm free for one of the weekends (6th-7th or 13th-14th) or even both...

Seems a long way away but June will be around in no time. That's what I tell my students, anyway. In fact, the IB is all over by mid-May.


Re: Autumn in the Rhône Valley

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:18 pm
by Paul
Right, I've collared the two weeks around 6/7 June and will hopefully see you that weekend. It does seem a long time away but we'll talk nearer the time :D In the meanwhile it remains a daydream!