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Corporate Conservation Work days - want one?

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:01 am
by Lynn
Magdalen Hill Down, Winchester Hampshire 10th September 2008
Butterfly Conservation hosted a corporate conservation day for 15 staff from the Research Dept of Ordnance Survey in Southampton.

The main tasks they undertook was clearance of wild clematis - an ongoing problem which we have and weeding out ash seedlings in the chalk corner to prevent them from growing & out-competing the rockrose,kidney & horseshoe vetch specially planted there.

We met in light rain at 9.30am, but thankfully this cleared by 11am & we even got some sunny spells. Each group of about 5 people had a guided walk around the reserve with me while Arthur Greenwood, Colin Matthews and Pat Fleet ( all members of Reserves Sub committee) supervised the practical work.

12 species of butterflies were seen and 4 wasp spiders and of course lots of birds, possibly including a Whinchat.

If you are reading this & work for a company that gives staff a day off to go out & do voluntary work do contact me as I will be VERY pleased to arrange such a day for you. If you are outside Hampshire but work for a national company that also has bases in Hampshire that might be willing to let staff do this please let me know.