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Light Exposure Meters

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:12 am
by bugmadmark

How many of you insectographers out there use a separate light (ambient/flash) meter? I have a Canon EOS 400D - a great camera but it lacks spot metering which would be useful ( i think) for butterfly & general macro photography. Im thinking that i need to get myself a decent ambient/flash meter with spot metering - I cant afford to upgrade the camera - and really need to relearn to use what Ive got first anyway! Any opinions on this?

Cheers for the equipment advice as always.


Re: Light Exposure Meters

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:38 pm
by marcinklysewicz
i do almost only macrophotography - and i don't use any gadgets like light meter. your camera is great - just learn how to use it :D .

Re: Light Exposure Meters

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:15 pm
by bugmadmark

Thanks! Ironically I did my city and guilds photgraphy in ~1990, with modules in macro and nature. However, the move from film and manual focussing to all electronic systems, raw files, 1.6 mag factors etc has thrown me. What happened to lenses with apeture rings and depth of field markings. Im slowly getting used to it - but now there are so many more variables. I spent the last year generating lots of family snaps on the Canon 400D - only to find many were underexposed 2/3 - 1 stop. In the end, 1 week prior to camera warranty coming to an end, I searched the web and discovered literally 100s of people moaning about an underexposure issue. Yes you can correct using flash exposure comp - but to me that was just wrong. I got the camera back, recalibrated and, so far, there appears to have been a big improvement! The only other thing I have a problem with is using flash (built in or external) for butterfly photos. Ive tried several times but they always comes out blurred, or wings on insects have closed. I can only assume there is a pre flash that disturbs the insect - but im damned if i can see it? I need to find a book that explains flash sync speeds to me and how i should be settin g the system up - I just cant seem to get it right!


Re: Light Exposure Meters

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:15 am
by Rogerdodge
This ought to help with your flash concerns.

Re: Light Exposure Meters

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:44 am
by bugmadmark

Thanks for this - looks the job! - I'm on hol at the moment and I've been looking for something reasonable to read! Now Ive got something to keep me quiet whilst the kids run riot!

Mark :D

Re: Light Exposure Meters

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 12:54 pm
by marcinklysewicz
Ok - about flash - if you want really nice colours and natural looking photos try not to use it :mrgreen: . Take a look at my website and if you want to read how i do it look here ... 24240.html

Re: Light Exposure Meters

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 6:33 pm
by bugmadmark
Thanks for this - read it and will take on board yor advice and see where it gets me!