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The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britian and Ireland

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 12:07 am
by Dave McCormick
I was looking around to add to the different The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britian and Ireland books by A Maitland Emmet and John Heath that I own, and would like to know where I could get vol 11: Larvae, from.

The last one I got was vol 7 (1): Hesperiidae to Nymphilidae which was pre owned and had a photo of a aberration of a White Admiral in it and someones letter about some butterfly finds in the 40's or something (can't read handwriting well) and the original reciept when it was originally bought in 1989.

I still consider these to be great books, and very detailed. If anyone could helo find vol 11 for me, that would be great.

Re: The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britian and Ireland

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:04 am
by Rogerdodge
Putting Maitland and Butterflies into the search panel of this website-
came up with Vols 1,2,9 & 10.
Not an 11 yet I am afraid, but keep trying.
This is one of the best second-hand book locators I have found.

Re: The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britian and Ireland

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:17 am
by Piers
Hi Dave,

As far as I am aware the projected volume on Larvae (vol.11) has been canned.

When Harley Books ceased trading last year Apollo Books acquired their remaining stock and have pledged to complete the series, now under the editorship of Dr Keith Bland.

The most recent volume to be published is volume 4 (in 2 parts) Vol. 4 part 1: Batrachedridae, Oecophoridae, Ethmiidae, Autostichidae, Blastobasidae, Agronoxenidae, Momphidae, Cosmopterigidae and Scythrididae. Vol. 4 part 2: Gelechiidae, leaving vols 5, 6 and 8 (also to be in at least 2 parts) to go.

Apollo will continue to sell the remaining vlumes until they sell out. Volume 3 in hard cover is already out of print and no plans exist to reprint any of the volumes in the series, which is not surprising as the early volumes (vol.1 was published in 1976) are no woefully out of date; even vol.7 pt1 (the butterfly volume) is badly dated in certain respects, but then it is almost 20 years old!! (how the time just goes...)
