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'Britain's Got Talent' (For Butterflies)

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:31 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi all,
Go to for a preview of perhaps the most bizarre (and finest) piece of butterfly footage to ever grace our screens. When Matthew first told me of his plans, I thought this was 'an idea too far' and doubted that such an outrageous script could be delivered. But the lack of an Equity Card is no barrier to His Majesty. Jack Hargreaves would have bitten his briarwood pipe in two. Watch and enjoy.

Re: 'Britain's Got Talent' (For Butterflies)

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:44 pm
by Annie
Dear Points Of View

I would like to complain about the BBC spending our licence fee on such fripperies as were shown on The One Show on 29th August 2008.

I am not referring, of course, to the Purple Emperor banquet, which was of course an important scientific experiment carried out in controlled surroundings by a dedicated team of fellows from the University of Barking, but to Adrian Chiles shirts; their ghastliness (and that of Mr Chiles himself) have caused me to throw my television out of the window in disgust.

I propose a feature for next summer wherein members of the public are invited to sniff the output of the larva of machaon brittanicus to guess what it is. Maybe a straightjacket could be awarded to the winner? I trust you will give me full credit for this should it come to fruition.

Yours (and many other people's too)

Disgusted of Somerset

edited to add; I was looking to see if there was a Facebook group for "Matthew Oates for Prime Minister". I'm afraid I couldn't find one