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Rutland Water

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:23 pm
by Polly
Hi everyone

I will be spending 5 days at Rutland Water next week (as I am helping on a stand at the Birdfair) and wondered about nearby sites, not only butterflies but also for a bit of peace and quiet !!

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Re: Rutland Water

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:55 pm
by Rogerdodge
I look forward to replies to this post, as I am attending the Birdfair. I am staying overnight Friday and Saturday in my van, and attending the Attenborough lecture on the Saturday.
Sunday and Monday I was hoping to get some good butterflying and birding in.
Which stand are you on Polly? I shall pop in to say Hi.
Anyone else going?

Roger Harding

Re: Rutland Water

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:02 pm
by Polly
Hi Roger

I will be on Halcyon Gambia, stand 5 in Marquee 6, and look forward to meeting anyone coming to the Birdfair (unless I have slunk out looking for birds, butterflies and dragonflies :D )

Lucky you going to the Attenborough lecture on Saturday - I was too late to get tickets :(


Re: Rutland Water

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:32 pm
by Trev Sawyer
Hi Polly,
Don't know how much time you will have to escape, but "Barnack Hills and Holes" would seem a likely spot to try (see "sites" part of this website). There may well be Chalkhill Blues and Brown Argus on the wing there at the moment? If you can creep a little further away, some of the woods down towards Northampton (Fineshade etc.) would be worth a gallop, but that really does depend on if someone can cover your disappearance at the show for a longer period.

Maybe someone with more local knowledge will be able to help with even closer sites, but at least this reply has got the thread back up where it may be noticed again :wink:


Re: Rutland Water

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:29 pm
by hosebirder
Hi Polly,
The nearest site i can recomend is Ketton Quarry. You will not beat it for peace and quiet after the bedlam of birdfair.
I must confess to not having ever been in August, but early July i had Marbled White,Green Hairstreak(the tattiest i've ever seen) plus dozens of the commoner species(M.Browns,Ringlets,Common Blues,Skippers,Whites and comma).
The entrance is found by turning off the main street alongside the cement works,straight on at a mini island then look for sign on left for geological site.Turn in here and drive through to the carpark.
Regards, Brian

Re: Rutland Water

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:01 pm
by Polly
Thanks Brian and Trev for your replies.

I am not expected to spend all day, every day on the stand so I shall be taking you up on your suggestions. I have borrowed the O.S. maps from my local library, so hopefully will be able to follow your directions.

Thanks again.


Re: Rutland Water

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:49 pm
by Polly
hosebirder wrote:Hi Polly,
The nearest site i can recomend is Ketton Quarry. You will not beat it for peace and quiet after the bedlam of birdfair.
Regards, Brian
Brian - thanks so much for this recommendation; it is a great site. Undisturbed meadow-type habitat, just full of wildflowers, butterflies (12 species in a couple of hours), plenty of day-flying moths and 4-5 species of dragonflies. And it provided welcome relief from the noise and heat of the Birdfair! It was certainly a great weekend.


Re: Rutland Water

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:43 pm
by Rogerdodge
Hi Polly
Sorry I didn't call in to say hello.
When I passed your stand it was heaving with people, so I didn't want to interrupt a possible sale.
I had a great time at Birdfair. I spent far too much money - new carbon fibre tripod, and a fortnight in India in 2110 photographing tigers (genuinely spur-of-the-moment).
I got my photo taken with the Greatest Living Englishman - Sir David Attenborough, and met Bill Oddie (mad as a box of frogs) and my wonderful "better half" presented me with a Canon MP-E 65mm 1-5x macro lens for my birthday present (how the hell did she know...... :wink: ).
We saw a presentation on whale/bird watching down the Baja Peninsular, which is our main holiday next year, and has filled us with excited anticipation..
The only bad point in the whole weekend was failing to photograph Brown Hairstreaks when I met up (late!!) with Gary and Lisa (yes Gary - you are wonderful - but still only the SECOND greatest living Englishman I am afraid!).

Re: Rutland Water

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:06 pm
by Polly
Hi Roger

Sorry not to meet you (but glad we were busy on the stand). You sound like you had a great time spending your pennies! I bought far too many books but realise that I always spend more than I plan to when I go there. Where were the Brown Hairstreaks...? It's a species I have yet to see.

I am a bit concerned about your trip to see tigers in India - will you be up to the journey? Just how old will be in 2110? :lol:


Re: Rutland Water

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:35 pm
by Rogerdodge
Just how old will be in 2110?
I shall be only 155 years old - but I need the time to save up!

Re: Rutland Water

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:43 pm
by eccles
I shall be only 155 years old
Roger, having had the pleasure of meeting you and yours on Saturday, also failing to catch brown hairstreak, I can say that in subdued lighting and a following wind you could easily pass for seventy. Well, eighty, tops.
That piece of glass is really something, almost worth getting a Canon for, and I'm jealous.