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Silver-spotted Skippers and Brown Hairstreaks

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:59 am
by MikeToms
Although there was no sign of either species at sites visited last week in Hampshire (we're just on the cusp of when they should be on the wing), my guess is that both will put in an appearance either over the weekend or early in the coming week. Has anybody had any success with either species (I know about the BC report from Pembrokeshire) as I want to try and see them before my holiday ends and I get tied down by the Rutland Bird Fair? Cheers.

Re: Silver-spotted Skippers and Brown Hairstreaks

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 7:15 am
by Neil Hulme
Hi Mike,
Both species are on the wing in Sussex now. Sites like Newtimber Hill (near Devils Dyke) support large numbers of Silver-spotted Skipper. This species is doing exceptionally well in the county, moving 18km westwards in 'one giant leap for skipperkind' last year. Brown Hairstreak adults can always be a little tricky to spot, but sites like RSPB Pulborough Brooks are quite reliable, given patience.

Re: Silver-spotted Skippers and Brown Hairstreaks

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:04 pm
by MikeToms
Thanks Neil

Looking at the weather forecast I might well check out those Sussex sites tomorrow, rather than wait for Tuesday.

Best wishes


Re: Silver-spotted Skippers and Brown Hairstreaks

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:22 am
by Simon C
Plenty of SSS on view at Broughton Down on Saturday - I would guess a couple of dozen. Plus more Brimstones than I've ever seen in a single day.


Re: Silver-spotted Skippers and Brown Hairstreaks

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:10 pm
by wavelea1
Both of these species would be a new sighting to me - is anyone aware of either in the Bristol / Bath area or within a reasonable drive?


Re: Silver-spotted Skippers and Brown Hairstreaks

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:55 pm
by Simon C
SSS are no longer found in Somerset. In Wiltshire they occur on Porton Down but I believe it is in a restricted access MOD area (marked Danger on OS maps) where they test things it is best not to think about - I suppose it might make for some interesting abberations!

Broughton Down, a few miles WNW of Salisbury will be one of if not the closest site to Bristol/Bath. I suggest you look on the BMS site for transects where SSS are recorded in numbers.

I think Wiltshire will also be your best bet for BH, but having only ever seen one in my life (at Hatch Hill), I'm not the best person to provide advice. I will be looking with interest at any other replies you get.


Re: Silver-spotted Skippers and Brown Hairstreaks

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:39 am
by Gruditch
We can't have Wiltshire nicking our Broughton Downs, :evil: Broughton is actually in good old Hampshire, and if you are going there, you may as well go to Stockbridge Down which is also excelent for SSS. There is a site for BHS only a few miles away at Shipton Bellinger, also in Hampshire :) but I have never managed to locate them there, has any one else :?:


Re: Silver-spotted Skippers and Brown Hairstreaks

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:22 pm
by Simon C
Sorry Gruditch, I know Broughton Down is in Hampshire. Bad wording on my part, that's all.

I forgot to add, you can get a train to Salisbury and bus to Broughton, then walk to the Down in 10 mins. There is also a pub in Broughton, which does food. Best place for SSS was the lower slopes at the western end of the Down.


Re: Silver-spotted Skippers and Brown Hairstreaks

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:39 pm
by eccles
I met a guy at Red Lodge Wood near Minety, Wilts, a couple of weeks back while chasing white admirals. He's a member of BC and a lifelong butterfly enthusiast. He reckoned the best place in his patch for BH was Somerford Common, saying that he saw them near the little car park halfway along the road that intersects the wood. I saw one very tatty female myself two years ago at Ravensroost Common not far from this site.

Re: Silver-spotted Skippers and Brown Hairstreaks

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:26 am
by wavelea1
Many thanks to all of you - at least this gives me something to aim for.

Now if you can just bring the sun back!!!!!


Re: Silver-spotted Skippers and Brown Hairstreaks

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:43 pm
by jhanlon
I'm also after these two atm. I was thinking Aston Rowant for SSS and Otmoor (Oxon) which i reckon are the handiest for someone like me based in East Anglia. Can anyone confirm or recommend better?

Re: Silver-spotted Skippers and Brown Hairstreaks

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:27 pm
by Trev Sawyer
I can certainly recommend Aston Rowant for Silver-Spotted Skippers and Whitecross Green Wood (Oxon) for Brown Hairstreaks at the moment. I saw both over the last few days at the appropriate sites. Any day with a bit of bright weather at the moment should give you either (both!)...

This skipper was as Aston Rowant on Sunday, climbing around the top of some Chiltern Gentian.



Re: Silver-spotted Skippers and Brown Hairstreaks

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:00 pm
by Tony Moore
Image A lot of SSS at the extreme southern end of the reserve last week including this very compliant male. I'm still looking for a fresh, compliant female, but then - aren't we all!! :D

Re: Silver-spotted Skippers and Brown Hairstreaks

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:12 pm
by Jack Harrison
Trevor wrote:
recommend Aston Rowant for Silver-Spotted Skippers and Whitecross Green Wood (Oxon)
I am certainly familiar with Aston Rowant but less so with Whitecross Green Wood although have seen Brown Hairstreak there some years ago just down the main ride from the car park and in the track to the left further down from that main ride. Are those a good places to try (maybe Monday) Trevor?


Re: Silver-spotted Skippers and Brown Hairstreaks

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:38 pm
by Trev Sawyer
Sorry Jack...
Only just seen your question.... Yes, the main ride from the car park and the first section to the left have both been good areas for me - although to be honest, I haven't actually gone much further to check out other bits.
NB: Note to anyone who goes. The grass is mown along the main rides and there are small sections at the edges where the grass is longer. I know that those who help look after the site are very keen to avoid people trampling these areas. Please keep to the main path and don't be tempted to squeeze into "the rough" for a closer look.


Re: Silver-spotted Skippers and Brown Hairstreaks

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 4:51 am
by Jack Harrison
I went yesterday and of course the best views were distant on the other side of the unmown grass. But I did respect the wishes of the conservators (I was in the company of of them, Tony Croft).

We've had this trampling debate before and while my view is that the risk of potential damage is minimal (recovery is very quick), I stick to the "house" rules at any particular site.
