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Website Enhancements

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 7:57 am
by Pete Eeles
Hhi all,

There are always too many things to do with the website, but want to make sure I have an up-to-date list of major items. My list is below. I'd appreciate you adding to this. In about a week or so I'll run a poll to figure out what the high priority items are (since I sometimes get it wrong!). Please add opinions too here, so that we can have any debate before the poll :) Thx.

- Descriptions of habitat types (and alignment of species to these habitats), including photos
- "Richer" site information, including contributor photos and notes
- More site information (there are quite a few that could be added)
- Improved links (better organised, and making sure all links work)
- Ability to create and update a photo gallery directly (without having to send photos to Pete Eeles)
- Updated species descriptions
- Complete "similar species" sections
- Improved visibility of blogs (e.g. it's not obvious when a new blog entry has been posted)
- More reports (including interviews)


- Pete

Re: Website Enhancements

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 1:26 pm
by Gruditch
I would like to pick up on a couple of points Pete, if I may. The blogs are a little confusing to navigate, so an improvement there would be welcome. I think that a self edited gallery, would be an instant hit, and yes more interviews please.


Re: Website Enhancements

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 2:35 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks Gary,

On the blogs front - do you think have a simple list of blog entries, showing which were "new" (as the starting point) would help? Much like each of the forums?

I personally find that having "random entries" as the main blog page pretty useless (and have told the chap who wrote the facility that too!).

Also - who would you like to see interviewed? I have my own "hit list" but would like other opinions too!


- Pete

Re: Website Enhancements

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 3:53 pm
by Gruditch
-Yep, I think thats the way to go with the blogs. :)

-Maybe Ollie Howells, used to be top man at Bentley Wood, and is now head of all the UK millitary reserves. :!:


Re: Website Enhancements

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:55 am
by Annie
The habitat details are going to be very useful, especially for beginners like me

Re: Website Enhancements

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:40 pm
by Gwenhwyfar
Also - who would you like to see interviewed?
David Newland

Re: Website Enhancements

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:16 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks all. Just a minor mod - but the blog link now shows recent blog entries, with the most recent entry at the top (rather than a "random" entry!!!).


- Pete

Re: Website Enhancements

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:59 pm
by Pete Eeles
Gruditch wrote:I would like to pick up on a couple of points Pete, if I may. The blogs are a little confusing to navigate, so an improvement there would be welcome. I think that a self edited gallery, would be an instant hit, and yes more interviews please.

As usual - been busy in the background :)

First off, blogs are now sorted with the most recent post at the top. Previously, this was just a random entry!!! So clicking on the "Blogs" link should make more sense.

The UK Butterflies home page now lists the most recent forum and blog posts. Look below the species list on the right. I may move the new items to make them more prominent - but would ask if they're actually useful :) Feedback would be appreciated.

Lastly - the forums now provide access to a Photo Gallery facility where members can add, edit and comment on images. *Warning* - this is highly experimental at this stage, so don't put too much effort into setting up a gallery until we know it works! Some things to be aware of:

1. There's no mechanism for bulk upload of images. All members with current galleries are therefore requested to (unfortunately), start from scratch. Apols - but there is no other way.

2. To get going, click on the "Photo Gallery" link, which will take you to

3. Your gallery will be empty. So the first thing to do is upload an image from the "Upload" tab.

4. Once you've managed this, there are several ways to get to your album. For example, click on "My Albums" and you should see your images.

So - have a play - and all comments welcome. I already have a few items that need fixing! Also - I may not get around to resolving everything before I go away for 2 weeks on Sunday :)


- Pete

Re: Website Enhancements

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:04 pm
by Matsukaze
Hi Pete,

A couple of thoughts.

In the Sites area, would it be possible to zoom in from a 100x100km square to an individual 10x10km square? In some of the real butterfly hot spots it is hard to make out where the individual sites are, as they all overlie each other.

For interviews, how about Richard Fox or Matthew Oates?

Re: Website Enhancements

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:15 pm
by Pete Eeles
Matsukaze wrote:In the Sites area, would it be possible to zoom in from a 100x100km square to an individual 10x10km square? In some of the real butterfly hot spots it is hard to make out where the individual sites are, as they all overlie each other.
Yes it would. In fact, I'm looking into replacing all of the underlying maps with "Google Maps". This will allow us to interact with the map. A pathetic example (that you can drag around), centred on Bentley Wood, is at:

but it, at least, shows the principle of interaction. I can also overlay the site information. So - the map will start at 100km x 100km, and you'll then be able to zoom in, out, move around etc. At least, that's the idea :)
Matsukaze wrote:For interviews, how about Richard Fox or Matthew Oates?
Great minds think alike - they're both on my hit list :)


- Pete

Re: Website Enhancements

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:56 pm
by Shirley Roulston
Hello Pete,

Well I've put some photos onto the gallery, but, I thought one of the comma's hadn't gone through because it was too big so I cropped it and put in through again and now I,ve got two photos and I've no idea how to delete any one of them :( , I have tried many times. Could you do it for me- please. Shirley

Re: Website Enhancements

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:59 pm
by Pete Eeles
Right - so this is one of the weird things that I've already asked about!

What you need to do is select the "View/Post Comments" link below the Comma photo you want to delete. On the next page you'll see a "Delete Image" option.

This is, I believe, a bug. Let me know if you're still stuck!


- Pete

Re: Website Enhancements

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:10 pm
by Shirley Roulston
Got it deleted at last, its so easy when you know how. I think this gallery by tomorrow will be filled with photos. Good idea. Thanks. Shirley

Re: Website Enhancements

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:19 am
by Rogerdodge
Can the competition entries be put in their own new gallery - this would make reviewing them much simpler?

Re: Website Enhancements

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:37 am
by Pete Eeles
Good point, Roger. Some thoughts:

1. Yes, I do believe I could set up a gallery for the month in question, and give it "public" access so that anyone can post an image in there.

2. I'll kick this off for the September comp. - just to make sure things are working OK before then, and because I'm off for 2 weeks and would like to be around to fix any issues that come up.

3. The voting would still be done via the polling mechanism. Not ideal, as we know, but that's another item on the enhancement list!



- Pete

Re: Website Enhancements

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:13 pm
by Pete Eeles
I've been playing, and think we could use the new photo gallery mechanism for the August comp. Watch this space!

Another thought I'd appreciate feedback on - the species pages only contain a small subset of all the photos that get contributed - leading to a lot of disappointed contributors whose photos don't make the grade :(

So - with the new photo gallery, we could have a gallery per species, where anyone can post a photo of that species, and any stage (egg, larva etc.). In fact, it would then be a lot easier for me to select those that should appear on the main species pages :) My only concern is that a) the gallery gets too darn big over time, b) it ends up containing lots of poor shots and c) it increases the data transfer which costs money (in fact, that's by far and away the major cost of running the UKB website).

Thoughts / comments appreciated.


- Pete

Re: Website Enhancements

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:18 pm
by Pete Eeles
Right - I've done a test on the new gallery facility, uploading images with a resolution of 200, 500, 800 and 1200 pixels.

When viewing an image, it always shows it at 800 pixels or less (so 200 displays at 200, but 1200 displays at 800).

My suggestion, based on the results, is always upload at 800 pixels or less, since the cropping algorithm ain't as good as (say) PaintShopPro :)


- Pete

Re: Website Enhancements

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:28 pm
by Denise
Pete Eeles wrote:
So - with the new photo gallery, we could have a gallery per species, where anyone can post a photo of that species, and any stage (egg, larva etc.). In fact, it would then be a lot easier for me to select those that should appear on the main species pages :) My only concern is that a) the gallery gets too darn big over time, b) it ends up containing lots of poor shots and c) it increases the data transfer which costs money (in fact, that's by far and away the major cost of running the UKB website).

Thoughts / comments appreciated.


- Pete

I'm sure that no one would be offended if you asked for small donations to help fund and maintain the website.
I personally get a lot of help and pleasure from it, and would not mind at all making a donation.
Of course, it would not be compulsory, and left up to each member.
What do you think?
Also, as the webmaster of this site, you could delete any photo's that you thought were not good enough.


Re: Website Enhancements

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 6:08 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks for the kind thoughts Denise!

There are a couple of principles here regarding the funding of the website, that I've always tried to follow with regard to UKB:

1. It is self-funding. This is now true thanks mainly to the sponsors, and also those that have contributed to the stock library (and a "big thanks" to Clive Burrows, David Tipping, Denise Whittle (you!), Gary Richardson (Gruditch!), Ian Murdie, Lisa Baker-Richardson (Gwenny!), Paul Kipling, Shaun Spilsbury and Stu Alman on that front). My concern is that it's a "fine line" that could be easily crossed since there's not currently a lot of funds generated via the stock library (probably because I deemed that all non-profit organisations, such as charities and schools, get the images for free). So this is a fine line where, on occasion, I end up paying the extra required to keep the website up and running (which I did for the first few years) since I figured that it generated a good amount of interest in Butterfly Conservation and that this was, in its own way, my additional contribution to the cause! But it could get out of hand. Let's just say that - if it does - I'll let you all know :)

2. It is a free resource. I don't want members to feel obliged to donate to UKB. I'd rather they donate to Butterfly Conservation if they feel inclined to donate to anything!

3. This website is all about generating interest, and promoting Butterfly Conservation. Although the relationship with the BC website has evolved over the years (and this relationship probably needs to be revisited since we seem to get closer each day!), it really is all about the "common cause".

And - another principle I guess - I wouldn't dare delete anyone's photos!

Anyway - thanks again for the kind thoughts.


- Pete

Re: Website Enhancements

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 6:22 pm
by Pete Eeles
Another tip regarding the photo gallery ...

When viewing a gallery, you can use the left and right-arrow keys to scroll through the images.

A "slide show" feature is in the next release :)


- Pete