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Fritillary ID help please?

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:19 pm
by zail

Just joined this forum and wondered if someone could help me identify the Fritillary below please? I saw it on Saturday 12th July on heathland at Priddy Mineries on the Mendips in North Somerset. It had landed on some clover. I didn't see the underside, or it flying, as it flew off when I was looking through the camera viewfinder - I have a great "this is where the butterfly was" in addition to this one! Thanks for any help!
fritillary.jpg (157.25 KiB) Viewed 411 times

Re: Fritillary ID help please?

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:43 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi Zail - and welcome!

This looks like a male Dark Green Fritillary to me.


- Pete

Re: Fritillary ID help please?

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:51 pm
by zail
Thanks Pete - that confirms what I was told on another forum (although the poster wasn't 100% sure which is why posted here!). Butterflies and moths aren't my strong point but I hope I will learn more from this excellent site :)
