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Red Admiral.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 1:21 pm
by champ
Saw the first one of the season very good condition!.Odd small heaths and small whites.Ive seen these around the nursery while working.Which is nice!.. 8) .Still a bit slow here.The Buddleias in pots are starting to flower so it will be interesting to see what they attract this year.
I decided not to breed any UK species.The exotics have done well.Lime swallowtail,giant owl,Heliconius melpomene and charitonius have all laid eggs,some of which are now larvae.there are a few malaysian blue and brown clippers,blue morphos,indian leaf,and eggfly butterflies still going strong but i havent been able to find foodplants for these so though some paired there was nothing for them to lay on :( ...

Re: Red Admiral.

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 3:25 pm
by Dave S
Loads of Red Admirals in the garden today. I went out for about 10 mins this afternoon and found the Hemp Agrimony covered in them, about 20+, there were also 2 peacocks 2 small whites and 2 brown things (don't really know what they were but I'll guess Wall Browns from the pictures in the book as they looked a bit similar), also loads of bees. :D :D :D. first bit of sun that we've had for weeks.