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Met Office Weather "Gadget"

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:45 pm
by Annie
I've just downloaded a very handy little weather gadget from the Met Office - it's available for Firefox or Vista (this is the link to the Firefox one) ... refox.html

It gives you a Met Office button on the bottom status bar (on Firefox anyway, not sure about Vista) which you can click to give a sidebar of up-to-date weather information

Re: Met Office Weather "Gadget"

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:22 pm
by wavelea1
Hi Annie

Thanks for the link. However, I have now lost all faith in the Met being able to predict or even inform us of the current weather. Having just spent 10 mostly dull, cool, very windy and often wet days in Norfolk despite the forecast often being sunny intervals I have all but given up. On Monday 21st the Beeb were still telling us that it was wasm and sunny on the north Norfolk coast at 6.00 pm despite not having seen the sun all day and it having rained all morning....... Do you find the Gadget anywhwere near accurate?


Re: Met Office Weather "Gadget"

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:03 am
by Annie
hmmm... I have to say that I have had varying results - I took my vintage car out on Sunday to the BC meet I was attending because the Met Office rain forecaster said "no chance!" - they were wrong...

Apart from that, it's not been toooooo bad - deffo better than BBC online