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Butterfly: A Photographic Portrait - Thomas Marent

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:50 pm
by Dave McCormick ... 1405325402 I saw this book, "Butterfly: A Photographic Portrait" from photographer Thomas Marent and wondered if it would be a good buy?

Re: Butterfly: A Photographic Portrait - Thomas Marent

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 12:56 am
by Dave McCormick
Just got book yesterday, and wow. Its very good. Book is quite bigger than I thought. Photos of butterflies fro Europe and Tropics. Has information on each stage of life with images of each. has 2 pages dedicated to 80-88 and 89 butterflies, pages on caterpillars, including a tree in Switzerland completly covered in a silken web of bird cherry ermine caterpillars.

I loved the swallowtail images. His website is here with some of the pics used in book. On the start of book, there is an pic of his eye, being sucked on by a purple emperor thats on his face.

Good book on butterflies I think.