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June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:16 pm
by jellyang
Thought we better have a new page!

Last weeks torrential rain has had a serious effect on Norfolks butterflies.
On my Dog walk this morning I didn't see one butterfly, normally on a bad day I can count on Whites to cheer me up!

I then went to Narborough Railway Embankment which was very low in Butterflies despite the lovely sunshine. The count was 2 Brimstone, I Large White, 1 Peacock,2 Speckled Wood, 4 common Blue & a few random dayflying Moths. No Skippers in sight.

I stopped at Foxley wood on the way home & there only managed to see a few Speckled Wood.

I hope the weather stays good & allow these Butterflies to catch up!


Re: June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:38 pm
by eccles
The weather has had an effect at Hazelbury Common. After waiting seemingly for ever, and almost giving up on an appearance of Adonis at Hazelbury, following a few warm sunny days a chance visit today was rewarded with three males. Two were already looking decidedly shabby, although I suspect that may be because there are so few there so far, and those that were, were getting bullied rotten by common blues and dingy skippers. I did see one fresh individual though which made my day, week, month... (see first shot below) The dingy skippers were looking dingy(er).
The aggressive common blue males made for some frustrating lost pictures as the slightest movement set them off, then they would settle in the most tantalising spots at lookout points. After chasing one little bugger for ages, my persistence was rewarded (below) :). Large skippers are doing ok now, and I counted three meadow browns. I also saw a single burnet and burnet companion.
2008_06_09_adonis_blue6.jpg (84.65 KiB) Viewed 3738 times
2008_06_09_common_blue2.jpg (64.3 KiB) Viewed 3736 times

Re: June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:24 pm
by Denise
I'm so jealous!


Re: June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:54 pm
by eccles
I should add that there *may* have been more than the three I spotted, females for instance are often hidden and will only be seen if nectaring or disturbed. I stuck almost exclusively to the paths and preworn tracks which had two benefits: one that I was doing little or no damage to the flora, and two, butterflies that sat near the tracks gave better shot opportunities with nice backgrounds. It did mean that I missed a couple of meadow browns but they'll be out nectaring on knapweed in a couple of weeks so there'll be plenty of time.

Re: June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:04 pm
by Denise
My first garden Meadow Brown of the year.



Re: June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 6:17 pm
by Neil Hulme
I went to Iping Common near Midhurst this afternoon, looking for Silver-studded Blue. Only found 4 males, so early days yet on this site. The odd one posed nicely though. :D
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Re: June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 6:24 pm
by chanandler04
Went walking along tingewick meadows (a sssi in buckinghamshire) and saw 5 common blues, 3 small coppers, 2 large skippers, 3 large whites, a red admiral, a brown argus and a rather battered peacock.

How do i upload photos??

Re: June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:12 pm
by Denise
Eccles very kindly took me to Hazelbury Common this afternoon to look for Adonis Blue. I saw at least three different males. Success!
Also seen, lots of very worn Dingy Skipper, quite a few Large Skipper, several female Meadow Brown and my first Ringlet of the year.

Thanks Mike

Re: June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:58 pm
by Pete Eeles
chanandler04 wrote:How do i upload photos??
1. Create a new post.

2. Click the "Upload attachment" tab below the post.

3. Click "Browse..." to find the file you want. Click "Add the file".

4. Click "Place inline" and the link will be added to your post. Otherwise the image will be shown as an attachment at the bottom of the post.


- Pete

Re: June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:08 am
by Neil Hulme
Hi all,
White Admiral (11th June) and Silver-washed Fritillary (12th June) both on the wing in Sussex now. 8)

Re: June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 3:28 pm
by roundwood123
The wife and i took a walk around Thrift wood in Essex today to look for Heath Fritillary and we were rewarded with some very good views, we saw at least 5 individuals on the wing.

Re: June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:23 pm
by Martin
Heath Frit for me as well today :)




Re: June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:30 pm
by Gwenhwyfar
Fantastic heath Frit Martin :)

At Durlston Country park today, we saw Lulworth Skipper, Marbled White, Ringlet and Small Skipper - details and pics in blog.

Re: June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:06 pm
by Rogerdodge
Excellent weekend.
Friday at Glapthorne gave me Large White, Speckled Wood and Large Skipper - oh yes, almost forgot - Black Hairstreak.
Than Sunday with Lisa and Gary at Durlston we got Ringlet, Lulworth Skipper, Small Skipper, Marbled White, Common Blues, Adonis Blue, Small Blue, Green Hairstreak, Small Heath, Meadow Brown, Speckled Wood, Dingy Skipper, Large Skipper, Peacock and Small Tortoiseshell.
Then on my way home I called in at Witheridge Moor for Small Pearl Bordered and Marsh Frits with Green-veined White and female Orange Tip.
This gives me a weekend count of 21 species.
Pretty good I reckon - especially with only 4 on Saturday.
Notable by absence are Small Copper - very scarce his year I feel?
I took a lovely photograph of Lisa, but she said she would stick one of me on the list if I published it.
What do you think?
If I stick hers up you will probably have to suffer my ugly mug?
Your call!!

Re: June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:02 pm
by Paul
Single Large Heath & few SPBFs at North Yorks Moors this pm.. 3 Small Coppers also seen there! See blog for details but...

:D :D

Re: June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:41 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi Paul,
That's a cracker! Somewhat more humble, but nevertheless pleasing to the eye when fresh, velvety and the colour of Guinness, I had my first Ringlet of the year on a BC field trip today.
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Re: June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:17 am
by Gwenhwyfar
A well captured ringlet neil.

I took a lovely photograph of Lisa, but she said she would stick one of me on the list if I published it.
What do you think?
Roger......No !!!!!!

Re: June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:56 am
by Neil Hulme
Thanks Lisa,
Roger's behaviour is scurrilous :lol: , but Jack has previously made a good point about having a 'rogues gallery', so that we could recognise fellow members in the field. I know that many folk on here have known each other for a while, but when I visit popular venues, such as Collard, I often wonder 'if that's so-and-so?' At the moment I would only recognise a couple of UK-Butterfliers. Perhaps Pete could add a drawing facility too, so that we could deface each other with false beards, moustaches and over-sized ears? I'm sure that not everyone would want their mugshots displayed, but many would probably be happy with the idea - unless they have faked their disappearance via canoe, in order to get more free time for butterflying!

Re: June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:24 pm
by Rogerdodge
You have nothing to worry about.
You know I was only having a gentle wind-up!


Re: June Butterflies 9th >>> onwards

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:10 pm
by Jack Harrison
The weather looks OK in East Anglia on Tuesday so I am considering trying for Silver Studded Blue in Suffolk. I know they have already been reported from Sussex but have there been any reports from Suffolk or would I be too early? Nearest locality for me is Martlesham Heath.
