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Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:41 pm
by Rogerdodge
Last season we had an informal meet-up at the annual pilgrimage to Glapthorne for the Black Hairstreak.
All got excellent views and photos.
Mike Rubin, Jack Harrison, Paul Kipling and Colin Bowler to name but a few of the regular contributors.


My guess is that this year, the best date, will be Sunday 15th June.
Anyone else up for this?
For those that don't know, the Chequered Skipper is a very nice pub a few miles up the road.
Roger Harding

Re: Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:12 pm
by Buttyman Col

I'm game for another Black Hairstreak and Chequered Skipper combo meet, although Saturdays are best for me due to junior cricket commitments on Sunday mornings (have to show some parental support even in the butterfly season!).

Saturday 14th would therefore be better for me, with a slight concern this may be too early as this season is later than last year, though it certainly doesn't seem to be a late season anymore (if that makes any sense at all!).

Spoke to Jack Harrison this evening and he'll be responding. We did discuss the possibility of making it the following wekend but then Jack remembered that it's Green Down Open Day on 21st, so the 14th or 15th (with fingers crossed re the weather in the meantime) seems best.

Let's see what others think.

Hope you and Rose are both well - is she in training for the Olympics yet?


Re: Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:40 pm
by Denise
Hi Roger,

I would love to join you in this quest, but I'm already committed to a north Suffolk trip for 13/15 June. :(
However, if it is definitely on, I could possibly arrange to get dropped off at Cambridge around 11am if anyone is going that way.
I will be a bit stuck on getting back to Bristol though afterward, unless someone is traveling back that way, and could drop me at the services.
The next weekend would be preferable to me, but I don't want to miss this species.


Re: Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:54 am
by Rogerdodge
Col - I am as easy with Saturday as I am Sunday - let's go with the consensus.
Denise - If it is Sunday I can bring you back no problem.


Re: Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:58 am
by Paul
I'm fast running out of Brownie points, but soooooo tempted, probably yes, count me in if weather anything like. :D ..but is it too early??


Re: Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:20 am
by Jack Harrison
Saturday suits me just as well as Sunday.

Last year, some people brought along their "boasting books" to share around while we were in the pub. I can certainly bring along an album of my own pathetic efforts.

As for timings, when we went at the equivalent weekend last year and the BHs were certainly out. I had in fact gone on my own the previous weekend and saw one Black Hairstreak so we shouldn't be too early on 14/15 (fingers crossed). But recall that we were too early last year for Purple Emperor in Fermyn Woods. Tow or three weeks later is probably better for PEs


Re: Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:23 am
by FlyByWire
Ahh yes that was fun last year. Alas the 15th is a date I cannot make this year. Hope you guys get lucky and have fun. I am hoping for nice weather for other reasons...

Last year's best pic from me:




Re: Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:14 pm
by Trev Sawyer
Re Roger's mail... If fate dictates that the date chosen is Sunday 15th and you were keen to get to Glapthorne from Cambridge, I could potentially give you a lift. Keep your eyes on the weather and hope for a few early sightings. If things look favourable, you could contact me just before you go to Sussex (I'll send you a PM with my info if you decide you want to investigate that scenario). I got some good shots on a visit to Glapthorn last year (unfortunately NOT on the UKButts trip) and knowing how keen you are to see new butterflies I could be persuaded to go again. Let me know sometime anyway.


Re: Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:51 am
by Buttyman Col
Rog et al,

Looks like the 15th is a definite non-starter for me - junior cricket plus a family get-together being organised for Father's Day.

As there are concerns we may be early, and recalling the fact that last year it was too early for PE, White Ad etc at Fermyn, I'll throw a spanner in the works and suggest Sat 28th as an alternative date. Black Hairstreak should still be flying (and in decent condition if they don't emerge early) and there should be fresh White Admiral and the possibility of early Emperor.


Colin B (Derby)

Re: Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 7:16 am
by Chris
Paul... black hairstreak would be a lifer for me, so if you want to halve petrol costs and driver fatigue! I should be free both the weekends of the 14th and 28th June.

Cheers, Chris

Re: Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 7:25 am
by Jack Harrison
One problem with Black Hairstreaks is that they have an incredibly short flight season, sometimes quoted as being as little as 14 days.

What we really need is a "scout" who can tell us when the first appear. It's a long way for most of us. Any offers?


Re: Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 7:36 am
by Trev Sawyer
NB: Northants Butterfly Conservation and Northants Wildlife Trust both have their annual day at Glapthorne on Sunday 22nd June this year where they will be helping to spot Black hairstreaks. This would suggest that that weekend may be the most likely to produce a result (but it may also be quite busy). Just thought I'd throw that info into the mix, so everyone is aware of it.


Re: Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:39 am
by Charles Nicol
if you need to see black hairstreaks there is a trip to brampton woods on sunday 15th June:



black hairstreaks flying in brampton wood today

Re: Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 7:04 am
by Buttyman Col
Yesterday in typically selfless fashion (well actually it was a relatively minor diversion on the way home from the Buff-breasted Sandpiper in N Cambridgeshire) I called in at Glapthorne late p.m. to check the Black Hairstreak situation.
Met the warden who confirmed no sightings yet this year, nor indeed any Large Skippers on the wing. Had a brief wander round and also failed to find a LS.

BH may well emerge this week, but numbers are likely to be at their peak in the second half of June.

Thoughts anyone?

Col B (Derby)

PS Saw a Grizzled Skipper in v good condition close to the A1 in Leics/Rutland at Bloody Oaks quarry - further evidence that the season in these parts is running much later than last year?

Re: Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 2:45 pm
by Jack Harrison
Visited on Tuesday morning. Doug Goddard had found this. It posed for several cameras.

So which day at the weekend? Either suits me.


Re: Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:35 pm
by Rogerdodge
I shall be there Saturday bright and early.
I shall have the kettle on - bring your own mug!


Re: Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 11:20 pm
by Paul
Will bring mug :D

Re: Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 9:22 am
by NickB
All things being equal - I should be there on Sat too!
(Given the weather we've had in Cambridge and environ, I'm just hoping that we get a dry day!)

Re: Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 9:42 am
by Jack Harrison
And I too will be there circa 1000 hrs.

That's me, but doesn't do justice to my elegant slim frame :D

Jack Harrison

Re: Glapthorne & Chequered Skipper

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 5:44 pm
by Rogerdodge
How long ago was that taken?