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Crook Peak - Wavering Down - Cross Plain

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:09 am
by Simon C
Did the above walk on Saturday. My first Meadow Brown of the year at the foot of Crook Peak, along with numerous Common Blues, Brown Argus, Grizzled Skippers (many looking very fresh), Speckled Woods, and Whites. On the path to the peak, lots of Small Heaths, and at the summit Wall Brown. Dropping down to the wood near Compton Bishop, Brimstone and a single Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary, my first of the year, and the taking the path round and up to Wavering Down more Small Heaths, Grizzled Skippers, Dingy Skippers, and Blues. At Cross Plain, all of the above, a single tortoiseshell, holly blue and notably a Large Skipper, again my first of the year. Well over a dozen Small Pearl Bordered Frits, ceaselessly patroling the bracken slopes. Don't they ever stop!

This place never disappoints.

Simon C