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South East Scotland News May 27th

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 12:19 pm
by IAC
The weather still from the east, breezy cool and very dry, not prime conditions for most butterflys, however the season is progressing.....slowly. Orange Tip numbers peaked about 1 week ago and now, unless there is a temperature change, are beginning to decline. Recorded a good crop of eggs on Garlic Mustard and Cuckoo Flower,on some plants ,3 eggs! this is unusual. Finally, Small White made a late appearance....only about 6 that I saw, Large White also in small numbers........GVW are scarce.....I think maybe just the weather. Peacock are also scarce and tattered now,along with Comma. Small Torts in good numbers,nectaring on , Gorse!!!.......I have not seen this before...maybe its normal? Yesterday 26th my first Small Cop of the year :D ....So I am very happy about waiting for Small Heath and Common Blue. No sign of any Painted Lady yet....maybe when weather changes.......only 1 Red Admiral to date.I am planning trip to Perthshire at the end of the week to look for Pearl Bordered Frits........Ive never seen one in my I am excited about this. In the crappy weather in my area I have not managed to photograph to many butterflys :cry: ....however I am finding damselflys good fun to snap are a few I have so far. Cheers IAC

Re: South East Scotland News May 27th

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 5:13 pm
by Chris
nice pics... I like your choice of crop and border