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two things

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:33 pm
by Dave McCormick
First, is this a GV white or OT egg? I saw a few GV whites around, but no OT, but I am sure I saw orange tip eggs on cuckoo flowers too:


ANd what is this moth? There was hundreds flying out of grass as I walked on it, never seen so many:


Re: two things

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 11:49 am
by IAC
Hi Dave , its gotta be Orange Tip, it should as you know quickly turn orange in colour. You only need one passing female to disperse eggs on suitable plants. I have been tracking down Orange Tip eggs in my area for about 4 weeks now, and they do turn up in areas where no breeding colonies exist.......the females travel long distance seeking out Cuckoo Flower or Garlic Mustard. I was out walking on the moors where I live ,and came across 1 solitary Cuckoo flower in the middle of nowhere, and lo and behold it held 1 solitary OT egg.......!