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Bickland Wood, Somerset

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 3:13 pm
by Rogerdodge
It was with great anticipation that I planned a visit to Buckland Wood just outside Taunton today.
The weather forecasts last night were pretty contradictory, but most suggested (at least) some sunshine!
It is a great and reliable site for Grizzled and Dingy, Green Hairstreaks and Dukes.
In the end I had some light drizzle, well overcast, with just some tiny breaks in the cloud around midday.
I arrived at 09:00, and, when I left at 13:00, I had only seen TWO butterflies - but they were both Dukes, so I was quite happy. :P :P :P


Simon C - they turned up just 10 minutes after you left. :cry:
Hope you did better later on! :)


p.s. Just had another look at this photo - doesn't my sensor need a jolly good clean :shock: :shock:

Roger Harding

Re: Bickland Wood, Somerset

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 4:22 pm
by Denise
Crackin photo Roger. I hope to see some myself this year.


Re: Bickland Wood, Somerset

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 9:36 am
by Simon C
Hi Roger,

You luck b****r.

After Buckland Wood, I walked to Witch Lodge Fields, and on to Thurlbear Quarrylands, and didn't see a single butterfly at any of these sites, let alone any Dukes that I was hoping for.

Still, it's great countryside and I saw my first Holly Blue en route. And there were dozens of Orange tips patroling the lanes and field edges.

