May Plants for Butterflies

Discussion forum for butterfly foodplants, and butterfly gardening in general.
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May Plants for Butterflies

Post by Lynn »

Well obviously some of the April ones are still blooming but I thought I would set this off so people can add in their observations of useful plants in their gardens.

Lets hope weather will warm up & butterflies will start breeding. With that in mind here are some suggestions for larval foodplants.

I grow Purging Buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica succesfully in a large pot and Brimstones breed on it every year. Its worth trying various larval foodplant sin pots - Birdsfoot trefoil springs to mind too. I once had Orange Tips lay on Ladies Smock plants while they were still in the seed tray!! So I definitely think pots can work.

If you have not got holly in your garden it is worth having one of those for the Holly Blues. They need the female holly it is generally said. Not sure how they feel about variegated ones. Perhaps some one out there knows :?: And later in the year HBs will need ivy to lay on. They need the blooms. If you grow it up a short pole or a wall or fence less than a metre tall it will produce flowering growth more quickly.

And another climber to try if you have a bare area of fence or wall is hops - commas may breed on there.

Speckled Woods are flying in Hampshire. They do frequent gardens especialy those near natural areas & will no doubt be looking for nice areas of natural grass to lay on. If your garden does not posesss a mini meadow now is the time to think about creating one. Your butterflies deserve it!
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Re: May Plants for Butterflies

Post by Susie »

Great thread again, Lynn. :D

If I can find a space I will try and plant a hop for the commas.
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Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:19 am

Re: May Plants for Butterflies

Post by Lynn »

The lilac is just coming into flower - never seen butterflies on it but I will keep looking. However, it is useful to pick a bunch & take it out when visiting habitats where Narrow-bordered bee hawk moth might be present. I tried this yesterday - but no joy.
Posts: 95
Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:19 am

Re: May Plants for Butterflies

Post by Lynn »

Another nice plant just coming into flower is valerian Centranthus rubra. Good nectar source &, for me, a reminder of wonderful trips to Isle of Wight where the clliffs are covered in it and butterflies!

The true wild valerian is also just blooming and again is loved by butterflies.

Other suggestions for May flowers.? Well I saw a Holly Blue nectaring on the beautiful blue flowers of Green Alkanet on a site I help to manage. Then again in a woodland clearing this plant looked wonderful with wood spurge & red campion and Orange Tips and Green-veined Whites were taking nectar. But a word of warning - it is a thug in cultivated flower beds - it needs its own little wild space.

I have also spotted the first of my thymes coming into flower but sadly not that many butterflies around to enjoy the flowers
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