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Tripod or Monopod

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:42 pm
by Denise
I am starting to get to grips with my new 400D and was using it handheld until the UK Butterfly photo workshop. My images have improved dramatically by using my (already purchased for my telescope) Velbon tripod. This is fine for short walks and for birds, but I feel that I need something more versatile,transportable and lighter for long walks. I know that there was some talk of monopods at the meeting, but to be honest, there was so much information, that I didn't take it all in.

Can anyone suggest or recommend a lightweight monopod (I'm not as young as I used to be) for use in the field.


Re: Tripod or Monopod

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:32 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi Denise,

I have a lightweight Jessops monopod (the same model as the one that Roger donated at the photo workshop) which you can have, since I never use it. Just make a donation to BC :)

And let me know your address :)


- Pete

Re: Tripod or Monopod

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:33 pm
And if anyone else is interested in Monopods I won a Velbon UP-4000 at a raffle at a photography comp a year or so back. While not as good as my Manfrotto 679B it is still pretty strong and at least half the weight. I've taken it abroad a few times when weoight was an issue and it served me well.

I fit a Manfrotto 234RC head on it and now very rarely use a Tripod. I always carry a Tripod but the monopod is the far superior option unless I find a particularlt docile subject in which case I'll take some shots on the tripod once I've fired off a few on the monopod.

I should mention that until this year I never had a tripod that went to ground level. I now have a Velbon CF tripod that does go down flat so I may use it more. It was bought with that intention however I still think the monopod will be the favoured choice. Unless you have a very long lens the legs just get in the way anyway.

Re: Tripod or Monopod

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 8:37 am
by George
Although I have a good SLIK tripod I have found that a bean bag works well!

Re: Tripod or Monopod

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:18 am
If it's that low I can use the monopod laying flat no problem or handheld is pretty stable when you're laying flat on the floor. The sigma 150 has a tripod collar so you have a mini tripod for that low built in :)

My very old slik tripod never went to ground level. Only down to about 70cm due to the geared centre column. My new one doesn't have a geared column and I'm not sure if I will miss that feature but no geared column tripods go down low that I could find.

Re: Tripod or Monopod

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 10:47 am
by eccles
I have a Jessops model 330 monopod which I find very useful. It has a quick release head which is currently attached to my 400mm Sigma lens. It is light but plenty rigid enough for this lens. It also adds stability when shooting hand held with the leg segments retracted as I use the monopod grip to support the weight of the lens.