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Peter Scott and PB Frits

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 10:12 am
by Jack Harrison
I mentioned Peter Scott in another thread.

I have vague recollections of an early autobiography (he wrote more than one) in which he mentions Pearl Bordered Fritillary in the grounds of Fritton Hall, Norfolk ( in those days, officially in Suffolk). There are certainly extensive woods around Fritton Lake so PB Frit was far from impossible all those years ago. (I saw them myself in the woods in North Norfolk in the 1950s). My fuzzy memory of Peter Scott's book was that he saw them on garden flowers in the grounds of the Hall.

Being a Norfolk boy myself who lived not a million miles from Fritton, I wonder if anyone can throw light on the PB Frits at Fritton? Certainly, in a later version of Scott's autobiography there was no mention of Fritton and PB Frits. The reference I remember might of course been in some book by another author and nothing to do with Peter Scott.

Jack Harrison