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Butterfly Site Destruction

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 4:44 pm
by Perseus

> 7 December 2007
I was extremely disappointed to discover that the extreme southern end of the Downs Link Cyclepath in Shoreham had been trashed for its wildlife interest (the railway company had previous sold of the land at auction to a private owner).

The area has featured frequently on Adur Nature Notes and it was noteworthy for Brown Argus and Common Blue Butterflies with Grass Snakes occasionally recorded in the vicinity. The Small Blue Butterfly was recorded here on at least one occasion, only one of two locations in Shoreham where it has been seen and at least one Large Skipper, Small Skippers, Holly Blues, Meadow Browns, Gatekeepers, Small Tortoiseshell, Red Admirals, Painted Ladies, Peacock Butterflies, Comma, Clouded Yellows, Large Whites, Small Whites, Green-veined Whites and Speckled Woods were regularly seen during their flight periods. It was only known area in Shoreham and the downs north of the town where Wild Marjoram grew in profusion. Wild Marjoram is an important nectar plant for butterflies. Wild Thyme, Hemp Agrimony, Fleabane, Meadow Vetchling, Bird's Foot Trefoil and Kidney Vetch also grew there.

Google Search on Nature Notes for some Wildlife Entries for this area

Adur Butterfly & Large Moth List


Andy Horton
Adur Valley Nature Notes
Adur Valley Nature Notes: November 2007

Adur Valley & Downs Gallery

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